Foggy Morning

      There is something about the fog that appeals to writers- artists- philosophers. I'm not sure what it is. For certain it changes the scene before you. If it's not too thick, as is the case in the above pictures, it can add a bit of mystique to the ordinary. I see the Presbyterian church almost every day. There's nothing outstanding about it that I can see. Perhaps because I'm so familiar with it I don't really pay too much attention when I pass by, but throw in some fog and all of a sudden I see it in a whole new light. The bell in the cupola stands out as well as the cross and trees beside the church. The same with the giant Spruce in the middle picture. It's an impressive tree in any kind of weather, but in the fog it fairly well shouts. "I alone am left of the old growth forest that once grew in the center of town. From my towering heights bald eagles see far out into the bay. On my broad branches the raven and the crow perch, seeking shelter from the storm." Look at the reflection of the sun upon the water; still diffused but probably much more to scale than what we see in the sky. As the day wears on and the weather warms a little or the wind comes up the fog will dissipate, but at least I was able to capture the images before they disappear like an early morning dream. As I've mentioned in previous posts, when I'm on the water I hate to see the fog. Perhaps for the same reason that I love it on the land- nothing looks the same. I can pass by a point or landmark a hundred times but if the fog sets in I feel almost lost. Even with a good radar and GPS it's not the same as being able to look out the window and know where you are. I need that certainty of visual confirmation, and the fog robs me of that. It has seldom been my friend out fishing. One July 4th I was on the outside coast fishing off of Surge Bay for king salmon when the fog set in. I was fishing without a crew hand and was surrounded by boats. I watched in desperation as numerous kings struck my gear, stretching the springs on the tattletales, but I was unable to leave the cabin to go pull the gear because I didn't want to run into anyone; or be run into for that matter. By the time the fog lifted the bite was off.What a surprise!  Another time I was almost cut in two by a huge, white cruise ship right in front of Cannery Point. If I hadn't seen it bearing down on me on the radar and thrown the boat into reverse, the Bonnie J would have been reduced to splinters and my lifeless body would have become a tourist attraction. "Oh look Harold, those seagulls are really going to town on that garbage in the water. I thought there was a law against throwing your trash overboard." It's no picnic to be driving a car in either. I recall one time in Ohio driving to work with my head stuck out the window of my "62" VW Bug. That was a real trip. I probably should have had my head examined for owning a "62" Bug to begin with. I must have had fog on the brain when I bought it. I was on a first name basis with the repair shop manager at the dealership. Oh well. Speaking of driving in the fog, I found a quote by well known author
E. L. Doctorow. I like that name, Doctorow. If he was a physician he would be Dr. Doctorow. E. L. is kind of neat too. Anyway, the quote, by E.L. Doctorow.  "Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights but you can make the whole trip that way." Thanks for the insight E.L. I'll keep that in mind.


  1. Good blog dad. I love the fog, it shrouds the landscape in mystery and can make for some gorgeous pictures.


  2. Hi Autumn- yes it does. Perhaps you should write a book-The Mysterious Landscape by Autumn Bottom

  3. I think fog is kinda creepy :) I do think the pictures you took are AWESOME though.
    Love you

  4. Hi Camille- I don't think I've ever thought fog was creepy. It can be a nuisance at times for sure, but I kind of like it when I'm not in a boat or out driving somewhere.

  5. I'm sure my name alone would attract millions of sales will surpass yours in'll be begging me to come up with creative ideas for you...soooo what do you think about that?


  6. I was doing my solo long cross country flight after flying the big triangle from Fayetteville, NC to Florence SC landing there..refit my plane then took off to Wilmington, NC got in the traffic pattern there to land then took off.. The wx was great the whole time flying to the coast. As I was returning to Fayetteville about 25 miles east of the airport there's a big lake with a cellular tower standing close by with huge guy lines securing it to the ground. The tower was so tall that you could see portions of it engulfed by the different layers and others exposed. Was freaky. The cloud layer was coming down and fog started setting in thick and I had to land ASAP… the wx decended VFR minimums and got worse. It was good that I was so close to Fayetteville when the wx came in. Good blog dad. You can't beat those kind of pictures. Take care.

  7. Well Autumn-
    I've already written three books sooo...if you write even one I'll be shocked sooo... but if you do and you make millions I'd like to have a rebate for the money we spent on you growing up which, with interest will probably amount to millions sooo... and I have a blog but you don't sooo... maybe you could rent space in my blog for your cakes sooo....what do YOU think about THAT?

  8. Hey Ben- I never considered the flying issue with fog. It would seem like the weather service would have issued warnings about the possibility of fog in the area. I suppose a guy could find another airport somewhere, but no two ways about it, it would be unnerving

  9. Great pics dad ...n both autumn bottom AND dad..I've already written five books under my assumed name fansee pants sooooo . Yeah.. whadda think of that? N'll hafta send a self addressed stamped envelope to gotchasucka ind timbucktoo in order to get your million back...sooo

  10. Hi Amber- I can see by your prose that you are a graduate of the Turkey Lips writing academy.As soon as I can afford a stamp I'll send along the envelope.


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