Golden Goggles

I hope I don't bore everyone with another shot of the boat, but as you can clearly see, the last plank has been inserted, which is a major milestone, and I was certain the boys would want to see how much progress was being made. On Saturday I was at a bit of a standstill, uncertain what to do next, so even though I hadn't planned on sanding the bottom of the boat, I figured it wouldn't be a bad thing to do- just make sure the old paint wasn't hiding a loose seam or some such thing. I bought a respirator and donned my gloves, but I'll be blamed if I could find my consarned safety glasses. Well, being the impatient, ignorant buffoon that I can sometimes be, I jumped right to the project without the safety glasses. After about a half hour of laying on the ground with the random orbital sander spewing toxic paint dust everywhere, including my orbital sockets (eyes- I heard this word on a detective show the other night and thought it sounded cool) I finally broke down and spent ten bucks on a pair of safety glasses. This particular brand was called Z-lens and unlike the clunky clear ones I usually buy because they're cheap, I decided to splurge and get the golden goggles pictured above. Years ago a country singer by the name of John Connely sang a song called Rose Colored Glasses- I really like that song- anyway the song is how he sees his lost love through rose colored glasses which allows him to believe she'll come back. For the past several weeks we've had the most rainy, cold, unpleasant spring weather you can imagine, so that, coupled with anxiety about the boat and upcoming fishing season, has made me a little crabby and depressed. Well, I have to tell you, I put on the Golden Goggles and immediately the world looked better. Everything was bright- the dark grey clouds looked pleasant, it was like the sun dropped in for a visit. I instantly started feeling better.I highly recommend a pair to folks who are subject to depression in the winter months.  However, golden goggles and a respirator, while certainly necessary don't keep all the copper bottom paint dust out. The rest of  my face, my ears, neck and exposed hair were all thoroughly covered in red dust, so for the second time in a day I had to take a shower. That's not such a bad thing, I like taking showers. In fact while I was in the shower enjoying all that wonderful hot water cascading down over my bod I was thinking how nice it would be to just spend the day there; maybe get a thousand gallon hot water tank and just make a day of it. Then I got to thinking about how water makes your skin wrinkle after a while. If if spent the whole day there, instead of the fictional character Rumpelstiltskin, I could be real life character, Wrinkled Rump Skin. I kind of doubt that Jan would like to be known as Mrs. Rump Skin. Oh well, it was just a thought. Today I had to get under the boat and sand the other side. I got home in time to watch Jeopardy before I took the shower I so desperately needed. I guess I had an uncommon amount of dust plugging my ear canals, because a commercial came on advertising Barzilla spaghetti, but I thought it said something about gorilla spaghetti. Who the heck wants to eat gorilla spaghetti? I wouldn't mind trying alligator or even rattle snake possibly, but I think I'd have to give a pass to gorilla spaghetti. It was bad enough being served bear liver mush all those many years ago. All this talk of food is making me hungry. I better go in and eat my supper- hopefully there won't be any monkey macaroni or chimpanzee noodles.


  1. Wow, all the talk of Tom Rump Skin and detective show words? You're going to be the coolest kid on the block! Had me cracking up, good blog dad. And, the boat is looking good thanks to my many man hours! You're welcome! ;) Love you!

  2. I already am the coolest kid on the block Autumn, but it's all because of the golden goggles. Everyone in Alaska should own a pair of these- they make everything look bright and sunny. Lost your job? Going through a divorce? Major surgery planned- don a pair of golden goggles. Ah!Things look better already.

  3. Maybe you could set up a table in the front yard and start selling the golden goggles. I bet you could sell a few to the tourists who make it that way hahaha. When you were talking about standing in the shower all day it made me think of the Seinfeld episode wear Kramer did everything in the shower even made a salad in the shower hahahah. good blog dad. love you

  4. Turn that frown upside down! Bad day of fishing? just throw on your very own Golden Goggles,'ll go from melancholy to extreme happiness in a matter of a second ,..grinning from ear to ear! Would make a great SNL skit..Boat's lookn good by the way...Take care,...


  5. Wrinkled Rump Skin?? Love it!

  6. HI Camille- I remember that episode. He was making radish flowers in the shower. Then he went to a dinner party as I recall where everyone was eating the salad he brought until he mentioned he put it together in the shower. I miss that show.

    Hey Ben- You wouldn't believe how those goggles really do put a positive spin on everything. I'll probably be listening to the news some day and there will be a news flash that the Zen brand of safety glasses with the amber lenses have been found to cause the wearers eyes to shrivel like raisins and drop out of their orbital sockets. Oh well, until then- happy days are here again!

    Hi Jill- I'm glad you enjoyed the play on words. I'm always a little amazed at where my mind goes. Perhaps I should be scared. I think my next book should be fiction- Lord knows what I might be able to come up with.

  7. Monkey mac I get, but chimp noodles? Always fun, Tom; always fun. :-)

  8. HI Rene'
    I never know where I'm going when I start one of these blog posts. Sometimes I surprize even myself.

    Hi Jeremy- I'm glad you enjoyed it. As much as I enjoy writing these posts, I'll be glad when the boat is back in the water and I'm fishing. I'll be away from the computer for extended lengths of time, but that's what winter is for I guess.

  9. HAHA...Wrinkled Rump Skin? I think I have that problem already! Perhaps I need a pair of those goggles..maybe it'll make my skin look flat and smooth.

  10. No doubt once you donned a pair of these babies, the whole world would look better

  11. Hey Tom! Great idea--looking at the world through sun-colored glasses! A good idea in southeast Alaska, especially. Remember how we used to point at a little spot of blue sky and rave about it? from Margie

  12. HI Margie- I still do rave about a little patch of blue sky and sunshine. Especially this year. It feels like fall and it's the middle of SUMMER!


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