
Have you ever noticed that some people just seem to be naturally unlucky? It's not really their fault, not like some of the boneheads that took out a loan for a half million dollar house on a McDonald's salary and then complain that they're losing their home. No, I'm talking about people who do all the right things and still get the short end of the stick. I watched one fellow down at the harbor with his boys, trying to spend some quality  time with them fishing.  They couldn't get the rod to cast very far, so they asked their dad to cast it for them. He grabbed it, went to cast out and the rod went flying into the drink. I was across the dock watching this with mixed feelings of compassion and humor. He managed to get the rod back and decided to spray the reel with WD40. Somehow he got the can turned around and squirted himself in the eye. At that point compassion went out the window and I laughed my head off. Sorry- that's just the kind of jerk I am I guess.  I've decided to do a post on my oldest daughter Jennifer. When Jan was pregnant with her, we had recently seen the movie, Summer of '42. I had a bit of a crush on Jennifer O'Neal, the actress, and I wanted to name our daughter Jennifer, so we did, and so she remained until sometime back when she shortened it to Jen. Maybe it took too long to sign her full name, I don't know. Anyway, Jen is one of those folks who seem to experience bad luck or misadventure more than most normal people. Especially when she's traveling. On one trip to Oregon with  her family they were in a parking lot I believe, and parked near a car that was towing a sailboat. Well, somehow the mast fell over and smashed their rental car. How bizarre is that? Another time she was at the Hilton in Anchorage. I think she'd had some kind of surgery on her knee, so she couldn't get around that well. She had her luggage with her and was waiting for the elevator. She noticed a lady who was obviously inebriated leaning against the elevator door. Jen was afraid the lady would fall inside when the door opened.Somehow she managed to stay upright when it arrived and Jen motioned for her to go inside first. For some reason the lady took offense and started chasing Jen around the hotel lobby. So here she was hobbling around the Hilton Hotel lobby,dragging her suitcase like it was a pull toy, with a drunk chasing her. She finally found refuge behind the counter. Oh Lordy, always something. When our youngest daughter,Autumn got married in Anchorage, it was during the height of the tourist season, so most of the hotels were booked. Jen and her family had to stay in a hotel downtown. She said they could look down in the parking lot and witness drug deals and was a little freaked out, so when she went into the room, she locked the door with a deadbolt. Well, the walls are thin and someone knocked on a door down the way from them, but Jen thought they were knocking on her door, so she went to open it, forgetting that she had the deadbolt engaged. She ended up pulling the whole door out- frame and everything! While she was standing out in the hallway pounding the frame back in place with her fists, an old couple came by looking at her, mouths agape. I'm sure they wondered what kind of sluffo sleepery they were in.  I doubt that Jen or the old folks will frequent that establishment again. Her latest adventure involved a trip down to Craig, Alaska for a music festival. My granddaughter Ashia was in the honors band- first chair trumpet. Jen went down to be with her and enjoy the great music. She apparently went into the restroom and as she got to the stall, the door opened hard and smacked her in the face. The end result is this shiner she has. She's being awfully good natured about it though. For the Halloween fun walk at the school, she's thinking about getting some boxing gloves and dressing up  like a prize fighter. You go girl! 


  1. Oh dear! That looks painful. I think she should dress up like a female boxer. Tell her I said I hope she mends up soon

  2. Oh heavens, Jen!! I'm so sorry! Reminds of when I was helping Uncle Jim practice for a softball game and made the mistake of puting my gove down at the wrong time. Yep, nice shiner, too. I got some mileage out of it though, as my hubby did it - LOL! Take care! And Tom, shame on you for laughing!

  3. Hi Erika- yes, she said it was. I think in addition to toilet seat covers, public restrooms are going to have to offer restroom protective head gear- toilet helmets. If Jen had been wearing one, it would have most certainly protected her face.

  4. I was laughing so hard when I read this. I LOVE Jen, but she really does have a knack for things happening to her!

  5. HI Jill- I checked with Jen to make sure she didn't mind my blogging this. She is truly entertaining. If everything was always sunshine and roses what a dull life that would be.It's the hard times in life that build character and provide some of the funniest stories. So, of course I'm going to laugh. I know it hurt at the time though and there's nothing funny about that.
    Hey Autumn- when you called the other day and were laughing so hard I couldn't understand you, I assumed you rather enjoyed the post. I had forgotten several other situations she had gotten into while traveling, but that's just as well- folks who don't know Jen would think I was making it up.

  6. I know, I coulnd't stop, was friggin hilarious! No, anyone that actually meets Jen though...she cracks me up! Too bad you can't post videos on here too! :)

  7. Finally I'm able to put something on here, I loved the blog dad made me laugh so hard. Poor Jen got stuck w/the Botts luck

  8. HI Camille- I believe she inherited a double portion of Botts luck I'm afraid. I guess it's part of being the first born- bummer. I know first hand about BL. When I was living in Key West, my back kept itching something fierce, and then when I went to the infirmary, the doctor looked at it and called over his friend. I felt like I was on display at a freak show. It turned out I had shingles. The doctor said " usually we don't see this until you're about fifty. I was nineteen at the time. Another example- I was driving your mom home from school- we weren't married yet. I had a 62 Volkswagen bug- that's bad luck enough- but as I was going around the corner I shifted into second gear. It didn't want to go in, so I pulled harder and broke the gear shift lever off. That was a little unnerving. Never a dull moment in Bottsville. Unfortunately I could spend the rest of the afternoon giving examples, but I don't want to end up all depressed.

  9. I bet mom was not to impressed with your gear shifting talent hahahaah. funny storys. love you

  10. hahahah...Remme told me you had this post up...I hadn't had a chance to see it yet..he said it was quite comical...and..well..again...we weren't let down...sorry Jen for your stroke of bad luck...I think you just get the brunt of it because you're so good natured about it all and manage to shrug it off and find the humor in it...either that or you figure if we're all laughing at your misfortune, you might as well also;-) Nonetheless, I am glad you're you all much..AJ

  11. Poor Jen, always a good time with her. Good post dad as always:)

  12. This was Liz, I can't figure out for the life of me all the ins and outs of putting up a post. I don't know why it has to be so hard!

  13. It's hard because you're a Botts Liz-'nuff said.

  14. haha...Liz...when it gives you the choice to comment as....and has "select profile"..can click on name/URL and just type Liz...(that's you btw)...;-) AJ


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