Deep Thoughts

I don't know how many folks who read this remember watching Saturday Night Live when they had a little performance called Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy. The announcer would come on and read a script that you could follow along with. It was always presented in a serious contemplative voice, but the content would be foolish, like: "I often wonder if I dug a deep enough  hole in the earth if I would reach China, or would it actually lead to the Phillippines?"  For some reason when I saw this picture of Jan and Kaylahni I thought of Jack Handy. They both look like they are in deep thought about something. This is another set of pictures taken out at Whitestone Harbor where Jan was a little concerned about being in a confrontation with a bear. She doesn't look all that worried here. Maybe she's thinking about what we're going to have for supper. I bet she's not even considering BBQ'd socks. She was probably checking out all those rocks on the beach and wondering how many trips I could make to the truck lugging rocks for the garden before I passed out. My granddaughter looks to be seriously in thought about something too, but it's probably not rocks or what she's having for supper. I really don't know what 9 year old girls think about. You'd think I would have some idea- I had five girls who all passed that age. I can't recall exactly what I thought about at that age, probably building forts or riding bikes or some such thing. I remember at somewhere around that age the guy up the street came back from California. He was a Beatnik. That's what they were called in the days before hippies.He had a pony tail and a beard and was a fairly interesting character.Now that I think of it, the Cheetos Cheetah kind of resembles him. He fancied himself an artist and set up shop in his folks garage painting nudes. That in itself was plenty interesting, but what really took the cake was that he tossed all his old Playboy magazines outside the garage door. Talk about something transforming your life! My friends and I went from knuckleheads throwing rocks at each other in the alley to sophisticated gents reading magazines.Actually I don't think we read a single word, except perhaps the title of the magazine. It told us all we needed to know. We retreated to a neighbor's barn with our treasure and had lengthy discussions of the female form. I can't remember what happened to our stash. No doubt some of the older neighborhood boys saw our repeated trips to the barn and made off with our prize. Ah well, after that childhood wasn't the same. We'd been exposed to another facet of life that left us with deep thoughts indeed.


  1. KK and Jan do look very serious. The boys sure do miss KK. Gabe loved being in battle of the books with her last year. That kid had 10,000 times more energy than I do, she never seems to slow down.

    I remember finding a playboy that one of my brothers had left out when I was about 9. It was like rubber necking, I couldn't fathom what I was seeing and yet couldn't take my eyes off the picture. You would think having the lady parts that I wouldn't have been shocked but at 9 years old I had no idea what my lady parts looked like. :-)

  2. Hi Erika- I think she gets her energy from her mom- I don't know where Jen gets all of her energy. I'd sure like to tap into some of it though.
    Back in the early sixties things were much more conservative. Playboy was almost scandalous and Hugh Hefner was considered a scoundrel by many, but nonetheless his magazine empire grew by leaps and bounds. They always managed to pose the women in the least revealing way they could and still be erotic.

  3. Well, still a funny blog dad. You really should do one about the pig pen and cigarretts some day! :)

  4. Perhaps some day I will Autumn.In the interim, I don't seem to run out of other things to write about. Jen supplied me with the material for the next blog post.

  5. wow..I've obviously been slacking on the reading portion of our program...too funny!!! WOW..I busted up just reading the "And Now Deep Thoughts" portion.ugh..I loved SNL during that was funny still then! I remember one he put on there with Michael Jordon...somethin about..And Now Deep Thoughts By Jack Handy...and Michael Jordon's voice came on...talking about...having that not so fresh was a riot..I miss those skits...they were actually still amusing!AJ

  6. HI Amber- I missed that one somehow. That was funny though. Thanks for sharing.


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