Spring is Coming...right?

Here it is May 11 already, and I'm still waiting for some sign of spring. As you can see from the pictures of the trees, the leaves haven't arrived yet. Maybe they're on vacation someplace warmer. The snow is still pretty far down the mountain yet too. I try to placate myself by saying that it will provide more water if this is a dry summer. The only thing that even remotely gives the appearance of spring are the dandelions that are sprouting up. Oh joy! They're about as welcome as a fart at a debutante ball. They're tenatious little plants. They probably wait under the snow all winter for the sun to come out so they can pop out of the ground like a Jack-in the Box and yell "Surprize!" I was up early this morning like I am most mornings in the spring and summer. The combination of light streaming through the window at four AM  and those obnoxious ravens calling  make it hard to sleep. I usually  don't get out of bed just because I'm up though, but today I figured I'd go fishing.When I checked the weather it was calling for a dense fog advisory and light and variable winds. They got the fog part right. I had to navigate with electronics just to find the beach where I wanted to fish. It was so thick you could just about swim in it. I almost  froze for the first few hours I was fishing, it was really cold. Then the wind started in. When I checked last, the trees were whipping around like a rag doll on a raging bull. So much for light and variable. Those guys at the weather service have such a sense of humor! Ha Ha Ha. Unless I'm mistaken the first cruise ship of the season is supposed to be coming to Hoonah in a week or less. If things stay as they are the tourists are going to be in for an unpleasant surprize. I should probably park my truck down by the cannery and rent out winter coats for twenty bucks an hour. I've seen tourists dressed like the Michelin Man in July when I was sweltering in a T-shirt, so I don't know how they're going to take to this weather. I live here and I'm chilly. Gee, I don't like cold weather, I think I'll move to Alaska. Why yes, they do call me Brainiac, why do you ask? Oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain. I have to admit, things are much worse elsewhere. I'm sure the folks along the Mississippi would gladly trade my little discomfort for what they are going through right now.


  1. Well dad it doesn't seem like spring here either, seems more like winter it is currently 34 degrees May 12th, yesterday we had snow again today mixed with reain WHAT THE HECK hahahah oh well.

  2. We have had our sedcond day of cloudless skies, it will get there too! Gorgeous photos as usual. When I get down there I need to get around and take some more!

  3. Sorry Autumn, by the time you get here all the good pictures will have been taken so there won't be any left for you sooo...

  4. gotta love them purdy dandilions! Can't get enough of em here myself...they've already started turning into those fluffy white ones that you can blow on....needless to say, Kennedy hasn't quite gotten the hang of it and ends up eating more of the seeds than she gets blowing around....oh well..guess she'll be pooping dandilions and that'll be that few less we'll hafta use Weed-B-Gone on in the yard!!! Was 96 here today...and that was at almost 6 p.m....thankful for the wind!


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