The Lone Ranger

   We're living in unprecedented times in this country. We applaud people who are breaking the law and demonize those who try to uphold it. Most of the kids graduating have trouble doing the most elementary math, like making change at a register. Many of them are so socially awkward that they can't even hold a conversation face to face, it all has to be via a phone or computer. Church attendance is at it's lowest point in this country, but violence is at an all time high. See any correlation? When there is a mass shooting, as happened recently in both Buffalo New York and in Texas, there is an outcry for gun control. I understand, what happened is tragic. However, over the Memorial Day weekend in Chicago there were something like thirty shootings and I can't recall how many dead. This goes on every week. Where is the outrage at that? What happened to the BLM movement when black men are killing other black men on the streets of the windy city, or L A or New York City?  Ask a politician and they believe the answer is more laws. Lets take the guns from the law-abiding citizens. When that happens, who do you think will own guns?  Do you trust this government to take care of you? How is that going? Need baby formula? Lots of luck finding it. It's becoming the same for parts for cars, electronics, certain medicines, the list goes on and on. I will point out the obvious, though the people who want to deny it will continue to do so- this has all happened on Biden's watch. Everyone wanted to put the blame on Trump for every little thing that happened. Hmmm... we could all afford gasoline, and food while he was in power. More people were working of all classes. Illegal immigration was being dealt with, even though the dems fought tooth and nail to prevent his policies. Oh, but he was mean, he didn't talk nice. You're right, he didn't. He was pompous and vain, but he was also a good business man and he wanted America to succeed, regardless of which political party you affiliated with. Seems like more people are afraid of the future right now than ever before. It would be amazing to do an interview with a baby in the womb. Many of them would be wondering if mom hated them and wanted to kill them before they even got a chance to see daylight. We have a severe moral problem in this country. We want to call men women and women men and some don't even know what they are and we're left with the burden of figuring it out. It used to be a person didn't have to guess at another person's gender. God forbid that we should address someone by the wrong pronoun. We have had it too good in this country for too long. There is too much time on our hands, so people make up problems that everyone else will have to deal with. I'd love to send the troublemakers to Ukraine so they could see first hand what a real problem looks like. I bet they aren't too concerned about proper pronouns and transgender people competing unfairly in the sports world or boys going into girls bathrooms. They know what a problem is. Get ready America. I've said it before and it's just as true now. You reap what you sow. If you turn your back on God, you get what we have now, and I fear it's only going to get worse. As they used to say in the navy when we encountered rough weather- stand by for heavy rolls. There is no Lone Ranger coming to rescue us. We better figure out pretty quick if we want to be free and prosper, or live like those folks who are fleeing their countries to come to ours, thinking that things will be better. It's our choice. That's real freedom of choice.


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