That's Mexi-tasty

 About a month or so ago, my good friends, Mark and Sarah Smith sent up a delightful assortment of snacks for me to try. I think they were hoping to see my reaction. I'm not sure if they expected me to eat them all in one fell swoop or what, but in the best of times I wouldn't be able to do that. My daughter, Autumn took some video to send to them. I had an ongoing commentary about each snack, trying to pronounce them the best I could. I wish I had hung on to the empty packages of the snacks that I've already tried. The first to go were some Mexican knock-offs of some Hostess products. There was a package of Snow balls, I can't remember what they were called- Snowso Ballistos or some such thing- actually that's not true, I just can't remember and want to fill in the blank. Then I of course had to try the Mexi-cupcake. It was good, but it wasn't as big as the American counterpart, and they only put one in the package. What is that about? Maybe south of the border one cupcake satisfies, but this is America, land of gluttons and fat people, we want more. I've already eaten the Racheritos Mas Producto chips- they were tasty, as well as the Tostitos, whatever the bag says. Oh, and I ate the Kiyakis clasico things. At first I thought they were peanuts, but they weren't. I don't know if they were Garbanzo beans that had been toasted and made to taste good or what, but whatever they were, I liked them. Really, if the Mexicans have figured out a way to make Garbanzo beans taste good, they deserve a Nobel prize for original thinking. I think I gave Autumn or someone the package of Hot Nuts. Sounds suspicious to me. I still have a few things in the bread cupboard that I need to eat. Jan may have eaten the Choco-tetas, she has a thing for chocolate. I'm just a tad leery of the Gansito, and Inkles sound like some treat for people who hang out in park bathrooms. Not sure if I'll try those. I'm getting ready to send some gifts off to my kids, I might sneak a few treats into the boxes and tell them they are special Christmas treats. Sugar cookies are over-rated - have some Inkles.


  1. jajaja!
    (that's how you say hahaha! in Mexico)
    So glad to hear that you tried the treats! Wish we could have gotten a hold of that video somehow. I'm sure it would have been vey entertaining. The Kayakis are peanuts, by the way. They call them Japanese style peanuts. Not exactly sure why Japanese. It's just a peanut coated in a crunchy wheat based shell. Hot Nuts are just a slightly spicier version of the Kiyakis. The Choco-retas are some of my favorites. They are little candy coated mint chocolate balls. And I'm sure you will love the Gansitos! It's like a Twinkie with raspberry jam, with a chocolate candy shell. Mark likes to put them in the freezer for a bit before he eats them. At the beginning of this year Mexico started a campaign to stop marketing junk food to kids, so they no longer have the cute fun characters on the packaging that were there before, and that was half the fun. A gansito is a little goose, so there would have been a cute little goose mascot on there, encouraging you to eat too much sugar, had we sent you that box a year ago. Oh well. The stuff inside is still pretty good. We are pulling out all the stops trying to convince you to come down and see us!
    Hope you're recovering well from your surgery and that you guys are having a great holiday season. We miss you mucho!

  2. Hello Sarah,
    I'm having such a hassle trying to get this comment section figured out. What a pain. Thanks so much for commenting and letting me know what was what. I think that Jan or Autumn have been helping themselves to my tasty Mexi-treats. I've only got few left. I'm certain that Jan grabbed the chocolate. OH well.

    I'm getting better, still can't get around like I would like to, but in time. Still some pain involved, and I can't sleep on my side yet, which really bothers me.
    Not sure when we might make it down for a visit, but I appreciate the offer. Perhaps one day we'll surprise you.
    You miss you both as well, and of course our dear friend Rabano. Give him a slice of cheese for me!



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