Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like China

 Today when I logged on to my favorite writing site, I saw a poem written by a friend of mine on Fan Story. Her name is Susan Newell, and she has a  lot of talent. What I especially appreciate about her is her willingness to delve into different things and discover the truth about them. She's really against the whole forced vaccination process, hates Comrade Fauci, and can't stand the way the government is being run. We have a lot in common.

She wrote a very entertaining poem that she put to the old Christmas tune, It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas. I found it hilarious. I'm re-printing it with her permission. Enjoy.

It's beginning to look a lot like China, everywhere you go

Take a look at the local store, people masking up once more

With vaccine cards their social virtue to show

It's beginning to look a lot like China

Gaps in every store

But the scariest sight to see is the market that will be 

On your own front door

A pair of Moderna boosts for a virus that roosts

Is the wish of Tony and Jen

Folks who can't talk will be in for a shock

Never will be what's been

And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

It's beginning to look a lot like China

Everywhere you go

There's a spy in the class at Cornell, one in the lab as well

The sneaky kind that doesn't mind the ruse

It's beginning to look a lot like China

Soon the purge will start

And the thing that will make it work

Is the freedom you promote from deep within your heart

It's beginning to look a lot like China

Junk in every store

But the scariest sight to see, is the marker that will be

On your own front door


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