The Blessing


I was doing my exercises this morning. I haven't done them for about a week because we had some guests visiting, some long time friends, and it's hard to maintain a schedule. Anyway, I was listening to my Ipod while I pedaled my flabby body. I've got almost a thousand songs on it, so I don't have to listen to the same tune for days if I don't want to. I was bee-bopping to  Crosby, Stills and Nash and Cat Stevens and Lily Kershaw, just totally enjoying myself, as much as I could while gasping for air, when a song I've written about not too long ago came on. It's called The Blessing, by Kari Jobe. I so wish that everyone would just listen to it, at least once. Right now there are a lot of people hurting. Some folks have lost loved ones to sickness, some to suicide because of the foolish restrictions that were put in place; a lot of people have lost their jobs and livelihoods. Many folks are wondering what to expect next. May I suggest that you just listen to The Blessing? I think it expresses the heart of God for people of the earth. He wants to bless you, if only you would turn to Him. Like the song mentions, He is for you, and for your family for a thousand generations, but He can't bless people who turn from Him. Maybe He would like to use you to bless someone else less fortunate, either financially, or with a helping hand or a visit. There are so many needs in the world and meeting them doesn't have to involve money. It could be your time or even just a smile and a kind word. It's not hard to make someone's day. They will feel good, you'll feel good and the effects of your kindness can spread like a  virus. Lets have a pandemic of kindness and see how it affects those around you. I hope you have a blessed day.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Liz. I don't know if you've ever listened to the Blessing by Kari Jobe but you can listen on U tube. It's great and very encouraging.

  2. Great words as always dad. Love uii

    1. Thank you Amber. Take them to heart. God wants the best for you and your family. We keep ourselves from His blessings when we don't do what is required of us, and yet He still gives up what we need. If only we could really grasp how good it would be for us if we could get our head together. Have a great day gal.

      Love you too.



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