Fan Story

Another Day Closer
by Mrs. K T


                                   morning skies bring

more grey clouds and spitting rain-

                      filthy windows

Her kitchen counter is covered with friends' good 

intentions: covered casseroles and sugar-laden

desserts. No more room for anything. Refrigerator is

full, and so is the freezer. No desire to eat. Someone

chipped one of her favorite rooster dishes. Perhaps 

tomorrow she will walk to the post office and mail

thank-you notes. Even sweep the front porch. Maybe

fill the birdfeeders. But today, she remains inside,

listening for echoes of his laughter. She picks at a 

slice of cold lasagna. Needs more sauce. Her eyes are

heavy, but no sleep comes. She wanders throughout

empty rooms, clutching a cup of stale coffee she has 

no desire to drink. Sometimes, she sits and stares at 

the front door. Carpet in the foyer needs cleaning.

Too much heavy traffic. Tonight she will sleep on

his side of their bed, wrapped in his favorite blue

flannel shirt and memories, hoping for dreams, of

any kind, to take her far away from tomorrow...

                      melting ice flows

                      in carefree rivulets

                      puddles beckon boots

I recently joined a writing website called Fan Story. I was getting bored with winter, and the few projects that I had lined up around the house were already finished, and others that I need to do will have to wait until the snow melts. Of course then it will be a mad dash to get everything done before I have to leave for Hoonah to go fishing. Throw in the fact that I move at a snail's pace and have the strength of a large kitten, it ought to be interesting. In any event, as I was scrolling through various contests on Fan Story, I came across this poem by Mrs. K T. Her real name is Diane Truelove. How can you not write superb poetry with a name like that?  I have never been a fan of poetry. It was always too refined or wimpy or something, I can't quite put my finger on it, but when I read this poem, I became an instant fan.  I don't know if I've finally grown into it,  like the way I used to hate asparagus but now I love it, or if I just never read really good poetry before, but I asked for permission to share this poem and it was granted, much to my delight. I hope that you enjoy this as much as I do.


  1. Very poignant. Hope all goes well when you go back for fishing, Tom!

    1. Thanks Jill. I'm really loving this Fan Story site. I don't know if it's a good thing or not, I'm spending hours on it every day, but I guess that beats taking a nap.


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