A Wedding Like No Other

  This past Tuesday, the 26th of March,2019, Jan and I were invited to attend a most unconventional wedding for two very good friends. I don't mean that it was unconventional in a bad way, it was just different. The only tuxedo in the room was worn by the bride's dog, Robinau. I'm not quite sure how to spell his name. Sarah, the bride, says that his name means radish in Spanish. I've never bothered to ask why radish. Why not green pepper or tomato or pickled beet. However, radish is his name, and it seems to fit. He's a very pleasant dog, and he was on his best behavior while his owners were exchanging their vows. Now about the vows... they weren't what you would ordinarily find in a wedding either. In fact those of us who were invited actually came up with some of the wording. I know this sounds a little unusual, and it was, but the vows came out of a book of Mad Libs. It's a book that has pages that are making a statement with blank spots to fill in. There are spots for verbs, and adverbs and nouns and names and action verbs and things ending in "ing". It was all totally legal, and there was a magistrate to help administer the legal part of the proceedings. What I remember the most, aside from the feeling of joy and love that every one in the room was feeling for our friends Mark and Sarah, was the laughter. It was by far the most fun wedding that I've ever attended. I'm not a big wedding kind of guy. All the hoopla and dressing up and pomp and ceremony kind of turn me off, but this wedding wasn't like that. It was just fun for everyone. It was held in Mark and Sarah's home, and as I mentioned the dog had the only tux, so I guess he was the best man. Afterward there were snacks to eat and several cakes. Not a conventional wedding cake, but a cake nonetheless. Actually there were two. One had a kind of smorgasbord of veggies or fruits or both in it. Sarah called it a salad cake. I'm not real sure what the other cake was composed of, but it seemed to have German Chocolate icing, or at least that's what it tasted like to me, and it was very good. I should mention here that Sarah is a vegetarian. She eats fish and eggs, but no meat, so there was a "salami" roll that I believe she said was made out of figs. I had to decline on that. I have to admit though, a few weeks ago I had what I thought was a delightful burger made out of seasoned black beans and a few other vegetable and fruit concoctions that I was quite enamored with. There was also some Beechers Flagship cheese- mmmmm... delightfully sharp and tasty. They had also ordered in for this occasion a selection of nut butters. I don't believe there was any peanut butter on the table, but there was pecan butter and sesame butter, macadamia nut butter, hazelnut butter, almond butter I believe and a few others I can't recall. After the vows were taken, the rings were exchanged and it came time to kiss the bride, Mark kissed Sarah like he'd been off to war for a year. I finally told him to save some for later, lest they forget they had company. I don't know what the future holds for these two, but Mark is a much happier person with Sarah in his life, and he has apparently filled a void in hers, and if the wedding is any indication of what the future will be like for them, they're in for a good time indeed.


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