Blue Moon

I spent the last two days of August fishing at Homeshore this year. It used to be the place to go from mid-August to September for cohos. Some years back it was fairly common to see fifty to a hundred boats dragging the area. Usually boats that came in from the outside would pass through, maybe spend a few days and then head on home. This year though the fish haven't shown up on the inside. I don't know where they are. When I went over there, I was the only troller along the whole shoreline. It should have been an indication that there weren't any fish around, but for some reason in the back of my mind I'm always thinking that, wouldn't it be great if there were cohos jumping all over and I was catching them as fast as I could pull them in and there was no one else around to get in my way. Of course it would be great if I was six foot two, ruggedly handsome, wealthy and always lived the golden rule too. Anyway, I fished all day for eleven fish and decided to anchor up right there at Homeshore. It's a lousy place to anchor unless the wind is coming from the east or right out of the north. As it was, it was blowing from the northwest, but not too bad. I found a little niche that gives some protection from the wind and set the pick. It didn't take long for the wind to switch to a more westerly direction so it blew right in on me. Go figure. Some guys like that rocking motion- they say it helps them sleep. Not me. Every noisy, loose thing that can roll, rattle, shake, jar, creak or moan will make itself readily apparent when the boat is rocking. I don't sleep all that well anyway, so I like a nice, quiet, secluded anchorage where the boat stays still and I feel secure. As they say, people in hell want ice water too.  Since there isn't anything to do after I anchor up, I usually work on a crossword puzzle before I go down below to the rack. I buy the easy ones because I don't want to further damage my self esteem by looking stupid as well as incompetent as a fisherman. After I've got one done or mostly done, I usually go down to bed and read for awhile. When I was ready to settle in for the night I got up to turn off the radio and was startled to see a brilliant white light filling the cabin. Holy Toledo! Had Jesus come and I wasn't ready? Kind of late to repent at the last minute. I was hoping I didn't swear when I saw that light- don't want to add fuel to the fire. I looked out the window and saw the biggest, most brilliant white full moon shining down. It was breathtaking. I heard later that it was a blue moon. the second full moon in a month. In the morning when I got up it was still visible as it was going down over the mountains. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures. The news is coming on so I need to wrap this up. I guess I have to go in and expose myself to countless hours of recounting what each political party has spoken. God forbid that there should be any real news on.


  1. Good blog dad, awesome pictures. I had heard there was going to be a blue moon but I missed it I guess. oh well. Go figure as soon as you settle in the wind changes must be the Botts luck :). love you

  2. Gorgeous pictures dad! :) Love you

  3. It was a beautiful moon although I am not sure where the "blue" comes in:)Liz

  4. Hi Girls- Yeah, I'm never surprised when things like changing wind directions happen. I almost expect it. Glad you like the pictures Autumn. I don't know where the blue comes in either Liz. Chris Budke suggested I research these various sayings to see where they originated and do a blog post on them. I think I will some time. Thank you all for commenting

  5. A blue moon is the appearance of the third full moon in a season that has four full moons, instead of the usual three. It is never visually blue. Because a blue moon occurs only every two or three years, the term blue moon is used to mean a rare event, as in the phrase "once in a blue moon..
    - Ben

    Source- Wikipedia

  6. Thankyou Professor Botts.... It's amazing what a person can find out on the computer. Thanks bubba.

  7. One year we'd hoped to get to McCarthy, but the wildfires were terrible and the smoke was so bad we turned back and camped alongside the Copper River. All along the banks, motorhomes and tents and campers were parked and folks were working their fishwheels. We pulled far back from the water and it took me a while to ascertain what made me uneasy. Here I was from southeast, and I was worried the tide would come in and take everything out with it. Silly me, eh? That night we camped in the back of the pickup beneath the canopy. It was comfortable and warm on two layers of foam, several blankets and mounds of pillows, but in the night the wind picked up, howling up the river and buffeting the truck. I woke, frantic to get the door open, sure we'd drug anchor. Funny how life as we know it follows us wherever we go.

  8. Great pics, dad..and beins how brother professor brother bear Botts filled you in on the "blue moon" bit...I have nothin more to say;-)


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