One Fish, Two Fish- Red Fish, Blue Fish

 For lack of anything better to write about I thought I would do another post on my fishing. On this particular day, I happened to  have caught a few. There are mainly Chum salmon in the bag, but I see a Coho or two and some  Pinks as well. These fish are in a heavy mesh bag that is immersed in a salt water slush. It makes them really firm and preserves the flesh and eggs inside as long as there is enough ice in the water. I don't have to clean the dogs ( Chum) because the cold storage wants the eggs. They make a pretty penny on them selling them to the Asian market- primarily Japan I think.
   I'm really tired today and my brain seems to be on a vacation. Actually it may be on a sabbatical- an extended sabbatical. I hate it when that happens. I just sit here and stare at the computer screen like one of these dog salmon- a vacant look in my eye. Yeah, not much going on inside here. Botts is in a trance again. I should have a sign on my forehead- space for rent, inquire within. Its a little unnerving on the one hand. When you're drawing a blank in the writing department, just put up a bigger picture, it makes the blog post look longer than it is. When I 'm out fishing, and especially when it's slow, my mind is firing off witty thoughts like I was a stand up comedian. I entertain myself, sometimes even laughing out loud, but then when I get here and would like to pass on some witticism to the adoring masses, I draw a blank. What the... who the... how the... where in the...  . I'm going to put a period at the end of all the dots. I don't know the correct grammatical etiquette for dealing with that. Damn the ignorance! You watch, as soon as I publish this post, my brain will suddenly recover from it's coma-like state and I'll produce a plethora of incredibly entertaining remarks with only myself to enjoy them. Go figure.
  Do you remember Dr. Suess? He's the one who wrote One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish. Some guys have all the luck. I know how to rhyme words. I could probably make as much sense as some of the stuff he put out. Take my name for instance. Botts. It rhymes with pots, lots, tots, hots, rots, clots. Ol'Tom Botts, he had some tots, lots and lots, little Botts tots, sometimes they were snots, mostly they're nots. If I had enough time I could probably produce a kids book, after all, I do  have a child like mind at times. Guess I'll go take care of some of the other mindless chores I have to do today. Perhaps I'll run across something a little more entertaining for the next post.


  1. the rhyme! I'm glad I'm not the only one that laughs outloud at some of the things that run through my head. Draws some stares sometimes, but at least I'm entertained!

  2. I cant even imagine how many times you bust out laughing at your self in a day Autumn. Love the blog dad, maybe you should try your hand at writing a kids book. Botts tots

  3. HI Autumn- yeah it does make people wonder about you when that happens. You just have to make sure that you're thinking about something at the appropriate time and not like at a funeral or graduation or something serious like that.

  4. Thankfully nothing at a funeral yet. However I think wr've established that we should not sit together at a graduation. I was fine until you started mimicking the kids sauntering down the aisle!

  5. I couldn't help myself- there was so much material to choose from.

  6. Hey Camille- for some reason your comments were sent to spam, I don't know why. In any event I was looking through the stats and noticed that and put them in the not spam status. Sorry about that!

  7. OK dad this is a test to see if my comments go to spam or not. Love you

  8. No, it came through Camille- you're back in the game!


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