Follow the concrete sidewalk

Every year when I was growing up, usually in the spring as I recall, one of the  TV stations would run the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz. If you recall there was a part when Dorothy lands in Munchkin land and all the little munchkins start singing about following the yellow brick road. It would lead to Emerald City in the land of Oz. Well, we don't have a yellow brick road, but we do have a  greyish-white concrete sidewalk, and while it doesn't lead to Emerald City, the area surrounding Hoonah is pretty green right now so maybe that counts for something. I really like this sidewalk. It gives a little bit of a finished look to the area. I'm hoping that the tourists will utilize it now that it's here. One of my biggest complaints with the tourists is that they walk in the road, seemingly oblivious to the fact that people are using the roads to DRIVE on. What a strange concept that must be to some- or so it would seem. The state even erected signs alongiside the road way warning people not to block traffic. With such a diverse group coming off the ships, I wonder if they shouldn't put the warning in like twelve different languages like at the airport. Or, they could just put a picture of a person walking in the road with a circle and an X through it-an internationally recognized symbol that you can't do something;  or perhaps a drawing of someone being thrown through the air with two x's for eyes and a madman like driver hunched over the steering wheel, looking strangely like me, speeding off down the road. Anyway, at least for the stretch of road from the cannery to the ferry terminal there is a delightful new sidewalk for everyone's pleasure. Jan and I decided to take the dog for a walk several nights ago and enjoy the new, smooth, delightful concrete path. Rigby took about thirty steps, stopped ,squatted and took a dump right there, on our brand new sidewalk. That's not even natural. He didn't even bother looking for a patch of grass or a bush close by. How rude! Fortunately Jan had enough forsight to bring a few plastic bags with her. He wasn't the first four legged creature to christen the walk though. When it was still under construction a bear decided to leave his mark too. I heard that one walked on the wet concrete as well. I guess they smoothed it out. Too bad. I would have left it- it would have made a great conversation piece.


  1. good blog dad, so glad they deceided to put in the sidewalk makes for a much more enjoyable walk. can't wait till I can walk on it. hahahah to funny that Rigby did that, go figure

  2. That was funny, way to go Rigby! Now, they should have had that sidewalk up when we were growing up here, would have been great to rollerblade all the way to the cannery. However, knowing my luck I would have struck the only rock embedded in the cement and would have gone flying...great.

  3. You're just a chip off the old block Autumn. It would have been nice to have had it then, but we have it now, so we'll enjoy it.

  4. oh wow..that's really nice! so much has changed since I've been most def time to make a trip back to where my roots are! love and miss ya'll.


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