Spasski River

There's something about water that seems to attract human beings to it like moths to a flame. Perhaps it's because Earth is the only planet in the known universe that has water. At least that's what I think I read or heard somewhere. I'm not sure where I picked that up. I once read the back of a Bazooka Joe bubble gum comic that stated that all white cats are deaf too. I don't know if that's true or not, but if you can't believe Bazooka Joe, who can you believe? There are a lot of songs and movies and I would assume books that mention water in their title. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean, A River Runs Through it, On Golden Pond, Yellow River ( I think there have been a few jokes about that)  Over the River and Through the Woods, and Bridge on the River Kwai to mention just a few. The top picture is the bridge on the river Spasski. I doubt that there will ever be a movie about it, it doesn't have the same catchy wording, but what do I know about anything? Maybe someone will write a book about it and a movie producer will scarfe it up and low and behold it will be an oscar winner. I kind of doubt it though. This picture was taken about a month ago, when there were still green leaves to be found. Whenever we go over the bridge we end up stopping to look down below and see if there are any fish in it.  At this particular time there were still a number of Humpies finning and I believe a few Cohos. The Humpies were looking pretty tough. Once they hit the fresh water they start to deteriorate. Those that we saw looked like they had already spawned and were just waiting for the grim reaper to come and collect his dues. They are probably what inspired Alaskan artist Ray Troll to draw the ever popular Humpies From Hell poster. He's an incredibly talented artist who lives in Ketchikan and has a studio there. He primarily paints pictures depicting fish in strange and wonderful situations- haunting the dreams of a fisherman, riding a bike and so on. I saw one poster advertizing Creek Street, where both men and fish go to spawn. I guess it was a red light district that bordered a freshwater stream. and fishing- what's not to like? Oh well, back to safer subjects. I would kind of like to take my canoe on a little trip down the Spasski River. I think it kind of leaks, although probably not that bad. As you can see, the river is pretty shallow too, so I suppose I could always get out and walk the spots where the canoe wouldn't float. The bad part is that there are logs that go across the river. If I should happen to get into a strong current and tip over the canoe and get jammed up against the logs I'd be just like one of those Humpies- bear food. I guess I'll probably be content just looking at the river from the top of the bridge and let the fish figure out how to get around the bears.


  1. Spaaski is one of my all time favorite spots in Hoonah, I always stoped to look into the river to. Good pictures

  2. Hi Camille- years ago when we were living on the farm, I don't think you were even born yet, my outboard broke down during a storm. I had to use the kicker to get in to Spasski Bay and tied to Frank Norton's dock. I ended up walking the Spasski Trail without a gun. It was June and the bears were out and around. That was a little unnerving. I like the river too, but I've never fished it. There is a regular bear viewing place down on the river closer to the bay. The tourists pay big bucks to go see them.

  3. I'm sorry, I keep thinking of you laying in the river like a salmon... ;) It is pretty out that way, makes for some beautiful pictures too!

  4. I'd probably get a ticket for polluting the river or feeding the wildlife with my dead carcass. Of course if I was dead, I wouldn't have to pay it. The EPA would probably come after you guys then-sorry!

  5. When they first built the bear viewing place I came over from Juneau w/my friend Sara and Brian took us there to check it out, was really pretty we saw a deer but we didn't see any bears but u could sure sense that they were around there, really gave me the creeps

  6. Funny how when you move away from AK, the fear of bears becomes pretty much non-existent..but just reading about them in your posts puts the hair on the back of my neck immediately...that time I walked down to the cannery and had just made it past the tunnel rocks and there was a momma bear with her cubs....I froze for a sec and it was all I could do to slowly back up and walk back towards town and hope she didn't decide to charge...wouldn't surprise me if I had to change my shorts after that and I've just chosen to repress that memory;-)

  7. Hi Amber- You were very fortunate that she didn't charge you just for kicks. Cody Mills was attacked on the hill that goes up across from the blue wharehouse some years back. I don't know if you remember that or not. The scars on his head are really visible. I can't remember if it was from her claws or teeth, but it left big ridges in his scalp. As dangerous as bears are, I think people driving while they are talking on their cell phones are a lot more dangerous.

  8. I remember that! The scars are from her teeth, and he has a great bite mark on the back of his calf.

  9. There was always a sense of excitement and fear going hiking in the Tongass forest when we lived in Hoonah. I miss that place


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