The New Boat Haulout/ Whining Session

If I can get some pictures to finish uploading to the web page you'll be able to see what I have been working on for the last few weeks. The page says that it's uploading pictures, but I don't believe it. The internet around here has been incredibly slow lately. For a couple days we didn't have any internet service at all. Apparently the internet provider has an antenna on top of the cold storage roof, and the cold storage is getting some electrical work done, so that knocked out our internet. Sometimes living here is like being in Bizzarro world- from the Superman comic books. In that world everything worked backwards. I don't know very much about how the internet works- and frankly, I don't really care. I do care about having a reliable internet service here though- something that has been exceedingly difficult to obtain. I can't understand why. I know that we're kind of in the bush, but we're not that isolated. It kind of boggles the mind. I can understand not having a Mc Donalds or Burger King, and I can more or less understand why we don't have a bank any more, but no internet service? Come on! That's not totally true. I think there is Hughs net and Starband, and maybe even AT&T, although I'm not real sure how reliable any of those are because I don't have any of those. Any way, it looks like the pictures are going to have to be added at a later date. It looks like this blog will just be a bitch and moan session. Sorry folks.


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