When I was a Child


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This is a poem that my Fan Story friend Adonna wrote. I never really cared for poetry until I started to read some of the work she put out. I've never known anyone who could put what was in their heart to words as well as she does. Her husband is suffering from dementia and she's been in need of some friends. I'm glad to be able to call her a friend, I only wish we lived closer to each other so I could help with some of the chores. My thanks to her for letting me use this fine poem on my blog.

When I was a child

I did not know how small the world could be.

I did not know you were born

only a few miles from where I lived,

and if, perchance, I saw you at the grocery store

clinging to your mother's hand

as she reached for your favorite cereal,

or smiling from a car window

that passed me on the street,

I did not know enough to smile back

or to wave hello.

I wish you had reached out for me then

as I passed you by.

If only I'd known you were so close.

But God knew you were there,

and He knew someday our paths would join,

a smile would be shared

and a polite hello would become

a welcoming hug.

God must have known

how much I would need to find

His love wrapped up in you.

Even now, I cannot fully comprehend it,

for your heart seems as large as a universe

and though I have grown old,

I am, in the shadow of

your huge and generous spirit,

merely a child.






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