I know it has been quite awhile since I've written anything. I would like to take the blame, but honestly, I can't. The blame rests solely with my daughter Autumn. Let me explain. Some time in the not so distant past, I had mentioned to her that I would love to have a Hoochy Cake. Never having seen one before, I thought it would be a novel idea. My birthday came and went, and I believe I had a cake, which, though appreciated, wasn't all that memorable. I believe she baked me an apple pie though, that was pretty tasty. I prefer pie over cake. I think birthday pies should be offered at bakeries and supermarkets around the country. Perhaps I can work on selling the idea to various outlets. 

 In any event, I was a little disappointed that I didn't get a Hoochy Cake for my birthday. Low and behold, Father's Day arrived and Jan and I went out to Autumn's in-law's lake cabin to celebrate the day. We had hot dogs and burgers and of course chips, drinks and watermelon, but you can imagine my surprise and delight when she unveiled this wonderful Hoochy Cake. While this one had butter cream frosting on a three layer chocolate cake, I suppose any manner of cake and frostings could be used. It wouldn't have to be multi-layer or even round. A square cake would work fine. In fact, it might work even better, because you could draw an entire picture on the frosting. As long as hoochies were incorporated somewhere on the cake, it would qualify as a Hoochy Cake. 

The more I examined the cake, the more I realized that the possibilities are endless. If one were artistic, a fish  could be drawn, mouth open, ready to engulf a hoochy. Perhaps for added detail, a bag of Goldfish crackers could ornate the side of the cake, or some Swedish Fish candies. In places where hoochies are unknown, a trout lure like a Mepps Spinner would fill the bill, or a bass lure, like a top water plug. Of course they would have to be new, but it would only add to the value of the cake, and make the recipient feel like you really cared. Plus, after the cake is gone, you have the added benefit of taking your new lure out fishing. Personally, I think it's a brilliant idea.

I've tried to get Autumn to make a Hoochy Cake for Sophia's Cafe', so far to no avail. I honestly think they would be a big hit around here, considering all the fishermen who partake in the sport.

If you look closely, you will see a 45/70 bullet in the center. What a wonderful addition! It got me to thinking about a Bullet Cake. When I was a boy, my brother Mark and I used to visit my Uncle Fleming down in Middletown Ohio. He had retired from the army and kept his house neat as a pin. In the bedroom where I used to sleep, my uncle had a wooden lamp that had a round base. On the base were a multitude of different sized bullets, starting with a .22 caliber, and working around the base all the way up to a huge .50 caliber monster of a bullet. It was the neatest lamp I've ever seen. I wish I had it. Some day I may have to make one of those lamps myself. Anyway, it made me think, if your significant other is a hunter,  how great would it be to bless him with a Bullet Cake? Just make sure you buy the right bullets that will fit in the gun or guns that he has. Also, be sure the bullets are coated with copper or some other coating. It would be awful for the poor fellow to develop lead poisoning because of ingesting lead from his Bullet Cake. If you are reading this, and the idea appeals to you, please come by Sophia's Cafe' in Palmer Alaska and ask Autumn for a specialty cake. You'll be glad you did.

Oh, lest I forget, the reason it's Autumn's fault that it's taken so long for a new post, is that she said she would forward me this picture, which until tonight, she had neglected to do. So, please direct any complaints to her. Thankyou.


  1. Bahahahaah…thanks for that Dad. 😂

    1. You're welcome Autumn. I hope you're giving serious consideration to baking a delicious specialty cake- a hoochy cake would be delightful or even as mentioned, another cake with trout lures or even a more expensive Rapala for those guys who like to fish for pike. Just add the cost of the lure to the price. No doubt you would be inundated with requests.

  2. That’s a perfect cake for you, Tom! And it looks delicious. I bet she’s going to be bombarded with requests for hoochy and bullet cakes at work now!

    1. Hello Sarah,
      I thought I answered this once, but apparently I didn't, or it didn't go through. I think the bullet cakes and hoochy cakes are a wonderful idea. Perhaps Mark could make a specialty cake for you. Of course it would be all natural and delicious. I have been thinking of the two of you a lot lately down there in Tornado Alley. Hope you're staying safe and out of the heat.

  3. Lol...love it dad...n Autumn...for shame...makin poor father wait!! Love y'all... Amber

    1. Hi Amber,
      I doubt if Autumn feels any remorse at all for making me wait. As the saying goes, some things are worth the wait. Hope you're all doing well. Just remembered, Happy Birthday gal!
      Love you!

  4. I love it! Great cake, Autumn! And Tom, the last couple of birthdays we celebrated with Mom, she requested apple pie rather than cake. Great minds think alike.

    1. Hi Jill,
      I think pie is underserved at birthdays. Everyone is just used to having a cake. It's hard to beat pie, but it would be difficult to decorate one with hoochies.


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