My country is my valentine!
This poem is for her.
She’s in a lot of trouble
And I think most folks concur.
I love my country, and I fear
what “they” want her to be:
Americans who hate her,
want to change her, totally.
They called her names and burned her flag,
caused riots in the streets;
those in power didn’t stop them,
so of course, there were repeats!
Those horrors really happened
And are quickly getting worse;
If Americans don’t take a stand
There could be no reverse.
Why have some Americans,
turned Marxist, of all things?
It’s as if they’re unaware
of what Marxism brings.
What will it take for folks to see
The havoc Biden’s caused?
He is giving us to China
And he’s broken many laws!
He swore to serve this country
But instead, he’s brought us pain—
We’re in debt into the billions
And illegals’ numbers gain.
God, please help our young folk
For our country, to stand tall,
Let them know the gift of freedom
Is the greatest gift of all.
America, my Valentine,
I pray that you survive
And earn, again, respect that’s owed
To those who gave their lives.
Amen!!! Love you...amber