Muffoons for Buffoons


I made muffins again the other night. If you're a buffoon, I could make muffoons, but they wouldn't  taste as good.  The church board was supposed to meet at our house on Tuesday because Jan can't see to drive at night, and though I can kind of see in the dark, why take a chance on wrecking the car to go to a church board meeting? If I'm going to wreck the car, I'd rather it be because of something exciting. Anyway, it was decided that everyone would come over here instead. Wanting to be a good host, and of course wanting to expand my already voluminous belly, I opted to make some muffins for our guests. It's a recipe that I've written about before, involving sour cream and blueberries. As expected, they turned out really, really good.  If you follow the recipe, it's amazing how well your product turns out. What a concept.

It just so happens that Tuesday it started to snow. I mentioned to Jan that they might cancel the meeting, but it wasn't until after I had made the muffins that we discovered that the meeting was indeed cancelled. How tragic. All those muffins and no one to eat them- except us. Oh well. We had already sampled ONE. I didn't want to serve them to guests if they weren't up to par. Once we realized how good they were, we knew that the guests would love them. However, no guests. It was with some reluctance that I accepted the fact that we couldn't justify eating all dozen muffins ourselves, so I opted to send some over to the neighbors across the street. They have four little kids and the mom keeps pretty busy just trying to stay on top of them, so most likely she doesn't have much time to bake. I saw her the day after she got them. She thanked me and said they didn't last five minutes after they made an appearance. Perhaps I should open a bake shop and sell muffins. I could even have a little section of the shop selling muffoons, as there is no shortage of buffoons around. One five minute car ride on our roads will certainly enforce that statement.


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