I took this picture last month before we got any snow- obviously.  It's been a kind of slow time as far as writing a post goes. Nothing too exciting happening in my life, which I guess I should be glad about. We did have the power go out four times in the past few weeks. Once because of heavy snow, once because of a transformer catching fire and once because of the wind I suppose. The last time I have no idea why it went out, it just did. Unfortunately, all that power surging and fluctuation caused my garage door opener to quit working. I tried to reset it, following the directions on the back, but that didn't work. Then I watched a video that showed the same things that the back of the opener said, but that didn't work either, so now I have no recourse but to call someone and pay big bucks to either get it fixed or buy a new one. What a hassle. Of course none of that has anything to do with the moose that came to visit last month.

My friends Patty and Butch had just come over for a visit, and when I came downstairs, I noticed a large, dark shape pass in front of the window. Of course I opened the door and called to it. He turned around and came over to the porch, probably wanting a carrot or a head of cabbage or some such thing, but it's not a good idea to feed them, however much you may want to. If they come by looking for something after getting in the habit of eating at your house, they may get violent and kick you butt if you run out of goodies. Like angry trick or treaters.

This guy munched on the mostly dried flowers from the planter boxes. Not much nutrition there. He didn't seem to care for the Dusty Miller that was planted, and when it was obvious that we weren't going to give him a snack he went on over to the alders and helped himself to a few branches before wandering off to visit the ladies that were down the street eating some other twigs.

When I looked at the pictures, I was reminded of Bullwinkle of the Bullwinkle and Rocky cartoon show that I used to watch when I was a kid. I didn't much care for the cartoon, it was kind of goofy, but any port in a storm I guess. There is a Bullwinkles pizza parlor in Juneau. I ate there a time or two. It's not my favorite. I think it was more of a hang out for young people, and I haven't been young for a very long time.

I'm a little worried about the moose population here. We've had a fair amount of snow, but I haven't seen any for awhile. Usually by now they would be all over the place. Maybe they've found a greenhouse somewhere and have broken in and are ravaging it. I hope they haven't all been killed crossing the highway and train tracks. They refuse to move off the tracks and hundreds of them are killed every year. Being stubborn can get you killed. Hopefully they'll show up soon. They provide a little entertainment on a cold winter day, just watching them destroy my trees.


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