The Passing of a Saint


 Last week my sister-in-law called with the news that Dr. Charles Stanley had passed away. It was news that I knew I would some day hear, but never wanted to. He died on April 18 at the age of 90. By any standard, he lived a long and productive life. Frankly, I was surprised that I didn't hear anything about his death on any of the networks, which I found surprising, considering he had an impact on millions of people around the world. I know that he certainly made an impression on me.

I'm going to copy what I found on his home page. I think his words are profound.

Life goes by quickly-very quickly.

And many people today who are in heaven or hell intended to live a lot longer than they did. They didn't make any plans to die. They only had plans to live and enjoy themselves. So I want to ask you: What are you living for? What's your goal in life? Do you have any real purpose for living? God says we ought to be living to worship and to serve him.

Because that, my friend, is life at its best.

In his life he endured a number of trials. Being a pastor or a Christian doesn't give you a free pass in this world. At times it seems pastors suffer more than their fair share, and yet Charles never backed away from his calling. He preached his first sermon when he was 14, following in the footsteps of his grandfather and father. 

I never sat down with Dr. Stanley for a cup of coffee, or enjoyed a day of fishing with him, or had him come by for dinner. Yet, when  I learned of his passing, I had a real sense of loss come over me. Fortunately, I'll still be able to watch his sermons on In Touch  TV. I've been receiving his monthly devotionals for some years, and I suspect I'll keep receiving them for awhile. He's left behind quite a following, and the impact that he's had on people all over the world will be felt for years to come. I hope that some day we will sit down in heaven and have some long discussions. 

He had a saying that he mentioned often and I'm sure it's what he lived by.

Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.

Thanks for a life well lived Charles. Enjoy your well earned rest my friend.


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