Exercise Can Be Dangerous!


            When I was young, I used to look at some of the guys with grey hair and big guts and be happy that I didn't look like that. Now that I'm one of those guys, I'm kind of trying not to get as fat as some of the other old guys I see around. Of course I' m not trying too hard. I still indulge in my cheese and crackers with Pace Picante Sauce. Tonight Jan made chicken burritos, which by their very nature require a dollop of sour cream and of course some Pace. We have some of our grand children over for supper, so we had to make dessert. I was planning on making some healthier blueberry muffins. While they may not be especially healthy, they're probably healthier than the brownies that we had instead. I had to go help the pastor with a job at the church, so the muffins were out. My granddaughter wanted to know if we could make them for breakfast, but I think I'll put my foot down and insist that we finish the brownies instead. I have to watch my weight you know.

Anyway, because my eating habits aren't always conducive to good health, I try to exercise five days a week. As is my habit, I usually listen to my I pod while I exercise. I've got over 1100 songs on it. Everything from Leonard Cohen to Yanni, Annie Lennox to Celtic Thunder. I was pedaling away on the stationary bike this morning going uphill on the Ride in the Park function watching the number of calories I was burning slowly climb up on the electronic counter when the William Tell Overture started playing. For those who don't know, that's the theme song from the Lone Ranger. I couldn't help myself, I started pumping the pedals like a madman trying to keep up with the music. I was getting really excited as the distance counter started climbing rapidly. Of course my heart rate was climbing rapidly as well. When I looked at the meter that measures my pulse, I noticed that instead of the usual 98- 104, it was peaking at 147. What could I do? The music was still playing, I couldn't just slow down. That would have brought disgrace to Tonto and the Lone Ranger.  Frankly, I was glad when the music stopped, at least that particular song. I would have been screwed if the theme song from the Olympics had come on next. I don't think my heart could have kept up. Just remember, all things in moderation. That applies to exercise as well as snacks.


  1. Good one, Tom! :) I'm glad you're finishing the brownies - no one likes a quitter!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Jill. It was a struggle getting the last brownie down my gullet, but I soldiered on, however reluctantly. Nature does us a disservice. By the time we're older and can afford to eat whatever we want, we are no longer able to process it effectively. I thought about going with one of those diet plans like GO LO or some such thing. Like everyone else, I'm looking for a way to replace discipline with a pill. Ah well, the joys of aging. Thanks for the funny comment, it made me laugh.


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