I Did That!

 I went to the local Three Bears Market today. I don't normally shop there, even though it's the closest store to the house. The prices are much higher usually than at Wal-Mart or even Fred Meyers, depending on what you're buying. If you just want a candy bar or some soda, it's not a big deal. However, if you're shopping for a weeks worth of groceries, you might consider going the extra mile, or ten miles in my case, and shop at Wal-Mart. The money saved can be substantial. 

One thing I do buy at Three Bears is gasoline. It's usually competitively priced, and if I'm on the way to the post office anyway, I just stop and fill up. Yesterday I was going to get gas at a different Three Bears location, but the cars were stacked up three and four deep, so I thought I'd wait.

Today I went to the gas station and was surprised to see that the gas was less than $5.00 a gallon. In fact I think I paid $4.89 a gallon. For some reason I was happy to pay it. That is, until I saw how much the total was. I paid $26.99 for 5.5 gallons of gas. Why should I be happy about that? When I first came here two years ago, I paid $2.24 a gallon. That was when that evil man Donald Trump was in charge. Remember how bad it was when he was president? Mortgage rates were at an all time low, unemployment was at record lows, gas was affordable, food was affordable and there were no supply shortages. What changed? We have genius man in charge now. The guy's a friggin' economic wizard. I wish he would take off in Air Force One just using green energy and see how long it took to come falling to the earth like Icarus. Maybe if he fitted the plane with solid solar panels and flew above the clouds he could stay aloft for an hour or so, if the thing could even get off the  ground. I saw on the news that one battery for an electric car weighs 1,000 pounds. I wonder how many batteries it would take to lift a 747, especially with all the extra weight from the yes men, doctors, and news people on board. Thank goodness he wouldn't have vice-president Laughing Lady on board. We couldn't take a chance on losing both of our leaders in one fell swoop. 

Of course if that happened, we would be left with Nancy  Pelosi in charge. Soooo... lets see, which would we rather have,  a kick in the groin with a steel toed boot, or a smack upside the head with a ball peen hammer? Decisions, decisions.

I know I'm not being nice here. I'm frustrated and angry about the way our country is going. The one thing that all of us can do, aside from voting, is to pray for this country and it's leadership. Your vote can get hijacked, your prayers never will. If God doesn't intervene soon, we may not have a country left to pray for.


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