Can I Come For a Visit?

I was sitting in bed several nights ago and was thinking about a conversation that I'd had with one of my Fan Story friends, Yvonne. Before you get any wrong ideas, she's in her eighties I believe, and the friendship is strictly platonic. I've made a number of friends on Fan Story, in almost every case because I like the way they write and we usually share the same values.  Yvonne and I had discussed how much fun it would be to actually have a face to face conversation with our various friends on F/S and the words to a poem kind of started coming together. Though I'm not a poet, I thought I would share this with you.

Can I come for a visit for a short bit of time?

I think it would be lovely, I would think it sublime

I'd drive down your street and stop at your home

I'd check out the neighborhood and let my eyes roam

Next door is your neighbor whom you don't really like

His brat of a kid chased your cat with his bike

I don't like him either though I really don't know him

You mentioned his name, was it Bill, Mark, Arnie or Tim?

Enough about neighbors, I came to see you

So I'll walk up your steps without further ado

I'll knock on your door or perhaps ring your bell

Will you like what you see? It's too soon to tell

Perhaps if a woman we might just embrace

Nothing too intimate while I look at your face

If a man friend, a handshake, maybe a pat on the back

You tell me to take off my coat, hang it there on the rack

We'll walk to the kitchen or sit on the couch

I'll remember my manners and try not to slouch

It's so good to see you, here face to face

I've thought of you often in your own private place

Perhaps you'd offer me tea, iced or brewed hot

Of course I'd accept, how could I not?

Though I know before I leave I'll have to pee

Of course I'll just blame it on that glass of tea

Maybe a beer would be more your style

As we sit on the couch and talk for awhile

Perhaps you would offer some crackers and cheese

Why, that's my favorite, yes, thank you please

An hour would go by, then two, maybe three

I'd get up to leave, there's someplace to be

But I'd thank you profusely for the snack and the talk

You might bid me return soon  as we stroll down the walk

I promise I'll try to, wherever you are, in Arkansas, Texas or however far

To California, Michigan or in the Northeast, we'll gather together 

And have quite a feast. If only God willing, I'll cross the wide sea

I'll visit Great Britain, I'm sure we'll have tea

I'll go to Australia, I've got several friends there

And you all come to Alaska, you might see a bear

It might never happen, but then, it just might

If we all gathered together wouldn't that be a sight?

I think I can sleep now, I'll go to my bed

And then in the morning, if I find I'm not dead

I'll check any comments and read the reviews

That happened while I went upstairs for a snooze

If for some reason I didn't arise

If I didn't wake up and wipe the sleep from my eyes

To my Fan Story friends, my thoughts were of you

I wish we could visit, I truly do


  1. Tom Botts this is a very good tale of poetry. I thoroughly enjoyed it!!! I only wish you would have graced your presence on our steps for a visit… next time !!! ❤️

    1. Hi, who is this? Whomever you are, I'm sure I'd love to visit with you. As you said, next time. Thanks for the comments.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello Jill, It was something that just came to me after one of my friends on Fan Story had mentioned how fun it would be to visit. I'm not a poet by any means, but once in awhile it clicks.
      Thanks for the comments gal.

  3. I'm not anonymous..I'm Janice Dietrich...I haven't visited your site for so long.

    1. Hello Janice,
      I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I don't get on here every day. It's so nice to hear from you. I just sent a Christmas card to you guys. I hope that the address I have is correct. I've been a little slack in posting here too. I've written a number of articles for Fan Story, a writing site, and it takes a lot out of me. Wimpy I guess. Thanks for letting me know who commented. Blessings!


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