Thanks Marie Callendar!!


My daughter Autumn came by today. She and Jan had gone to do a little shopping after church and when she dropped her mom off, she came inside and stayed for a bit. Somehow we got on the subject of funny U-tube videos or memes and she found one that got a lot of attention last year. I think the title was something like Sharon's Pie or some such thing. Anyway, when I saw it, I knew I had to comment, so I'm writing this post. The crux of the matter was that this gal Sharon, a grandmother from Georgia,  had obviously overbaked her pie and then had the audacity to get on the Marie Callendar Facebook page and send them a picture of the black pie disaster and was blaming them. The comments that ensued were worthy of a comedy act. Her original post said something like - Thanks Marie Callendar for ruining my Thanksgiving Day dessert! Marie Callendar offered to replace the pie, but before that could happen, the picture had gone viral and a whole set of memes were born. It was hilarious. Some folks were calling it Pompeii pie, others were suggesting that you couldn't leave the pie in the oven overnight. There are too many to remember here, so I suggest that if you haven't already seen it, that you look it up, it will make you laugh, guaranteed. It turns out that Sharon discovered that the disaster wasn't Marie Callendar's fault after all after she burned a turkey to a crisp as well. She discovered that her temperature gauge on the oven was set to Celsius instead of Fahrenheit, so instead of cooking the pumpkin pie at 375 degrees F she had cooked it at about 707 degrees F. Quite a bit of difference. I'm happy to report that Sharon got in touch with Marie Callendar, and there was no hard feelings and she is now actually a spokesperson for them. She apparently made a video for them that said to set the temp for Fahrenheit, not Sharonheit.  That's the way I wish all conflicts could end. What happened to the pie you ask? Well, it sounds like she put it outside and it disappeared. All's well that ends well.


  1. I remember seeing that burned pie meme, but I didn't know about her thermometer mishap - Sharonheit! I love it! So glad your baking hasn't ended up like that.

  2. Hi Jill,
    Autumn was looking up an article or whatever you call it on Face book about a guy who was leaving a voice message when he witnessed a car accident and what happened afterwards when she ran across this post. It was hilarious.


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