Santa Claus Doesn't Live in Washington D C


     I wish I could lay claim to the title for this post. I found it enlightening and entertaining. I was listening to a pod cast by Dave Ramsey today and he coined that phrase while he was ranting about the stimulus package that has apparently passed in congress. One TRILLION, nine hundred BILLION dollars large. The largest bill ever passed. I saw a clip of the president talking about this stimulus bill. He mentioned that $400 Billion was going to the relief package to help out the American public. He didn't mention what the other $1.5 Trillion  was going to be spent on. Where is that money going?  Who do you think is going to be paying the bill when it becomes due? We're already seeing a spike in energy prices. I suspect a good part of that is because of the war on the oil industry, but we can't overlook the fact that the government is printing money at an unprecedented rate. What do you think that money is actually worth? In another year will we be paying $20.00 for a loaf of bread? What happens after the money is spent from this stimulus package? Will there be another one?  Dave mentioned that if $600.00 or $1400.00 or $2000.00 from the government is going to fix your life, than you're already screwed. It may help temporarily, but it's not the answer to long term problems. The people who are telling you to shut down your businesses and stay home are going to work every day and making a paycheck. They aren't impacted by the rules that they want you to abide by. Dr. Anthony Fauci is the highest paid government employee in the country. Maybe he could help out some of the folks who have lost their jobs because of his recommendations. With congress hiding behind razor wire at Ft. Pelosi, they aren't feeling the affects of the laws that they're passing. Make no mistake, we are entering a new era of socialism in this government, and as the saying goes, socialism only works until you run out of other people's money.  I agree with Dave- you are going to have to fix your life, not the government. When you believe someone else is going to be responsible for you, you're already in big trouble. I know it's uncomfortable to think about what I'm saying here. I don't like it either, but I think if we take charge of our lives to the extent that we can, we'll be a lot better off. I don't agree with everything that Dave Ramsey says, but it's hard to argue with success. He's not about just ranting, he honestly wants everyone to succeed in life. He understands that being in debt is crippling and wants to help everyone get out of debt and live a life of prosperity that allows people to be outrageously generous. Waiting for a government bailout isn't going to be the solution to prosperity though. I hope you'll take a moment to check out Dave on Youtube. He's got a lot to offer, and if your don't like what he has to say, you're not out anything but your time. Santa Claus doesn't live in Washington D.C. If the policies of the last sixty years worked, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.


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