All Good Things Must Come to an End

 Last night was the final episode for my favorite show, The Big Bang Theory. It ran for twelve seasons, and while my work prevented me from watching the latest shows most nights, I watched frequent re-runs on Fox. I must say, the final show was done exceptionally well, with a good story line. It's obvious that the writers for the sit-com were in touch with the audience. I watched the after show as well, with Kaley Couco and Johnny Galecki showing us around the set and re-visiting favorite scenes. I don't care for Steven Colbert on the Late Show, but the cast of the Big Bang were going to be on, and I wanted desperately  to hang on to them to the last moment. I know that it was just a television show, but I felt like I could somehow relate to the characters. The beautiful Penny, so down to earth, Leonard, hopelessly in love with her and Sheldon so intelligent but so without a clue about normal every day life. The producers chose wisely when they decided upon who to play the assorted characters, and all of the actors played their parts to perfection. I can imagine it must have been a blast to be able to work with each other every week and bring the scripts to life. I would assume that once you've been type cast as a certain character, it will be next to impossible to ever play anyone else. They were so convincing in their roles that it's hard to imagine them as any other person. When the night ended, and I turned off the television, I was sad. I felt like a group of good friends whom I've known for years and whose company I looked forward to every week had moved to a far land, and I'll never see them again. I know that I'll be ordering all twelve seasons some time down the pike, and I'll laugh again and enjoy the people on the screen who will never get any older. From time to time I'll look them up on the Internet. I hope that whatever they pursue in the future will give them peace and joy. I hope they get a chance to just be themselves and not be hounded by fans, and I hope they'll know in their hearts how much they've felt like family to so may people around the world.


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