Turn and Burn

    For years Jan has been after me to replace the last four original windows in the house. They were standard issue back in 1945 when the house was built. They were good windows, wood and glass, but they weren't insulated and were really showing their age, kind of like me.  A quick side note. Did you realize that glass is liquid? A science teacher told me that years ago. The molecules move at a snails pace, but apparently over a period of hundreds of years, it would be noticeable I guess. At least that's what he said. Anyway, back to the story. We finally decided to replace the last four windows, two in the dining room and two in the living room. We also decided to have the bathroom remodeled. A fellow I'd used before for several previous projects showed up on Wednesday with three Mexicans and a stepson. Sounds like a title for a sitcom on TV. "Tune in tonight on ABC for Three Mexicans and a Stepson on channel 8 at 9:00 PM." Anyway, they didn't waste any time. On  Wednesday afternoon, as soon as they got here, they started staging the materials on the front porch. The next day they started right at 8:00 AM and worked until almost 6:30. That first day they got all four windows installed and started taking apart the bathroom. By Thursday afternoon, they had the vanity out of the bathroom and  sitting in my living room, they had taken the toilet out (which fortunately wasn't sitting in my living room) as well as the old tub surround and put a rubber sheet on the walls around the tub. They also put up cement board and sealed it with another water proofing material. On Friday the new medicine cabinet was up, as well as the mirror and lights and  the tile in the shower. Also the new ceiling fan and the flooring. The new "comfort toilet" was installed also, but we couldn't use it yet because the goop sealing the valve needed a night to set. That was a bit of a pain, having to go upstairs to use the potty in the middle  of the night. I like the "comfort toilet" though. It's three inches higher than a regular one. It's much easier on the the knees because you don't have so far to go before being seated. I guess if you had little kids it wouldn't be ideal because their feet might dangle up off the floor, but as long as I don't shrink too much more, I'll keep enjoying it. Thomas Crapper, the inventor of the toilet would be proud I'm sure. By Saturday the tile was all grouted, the towel bar was mounted and the new doors for the shower were installed. I was wondering why they cost so much when I bought them at Home Depot, but when I went to pick one up the other day, I understood. Those doors must weigh seventy five pounds apiece. Holy Toledo! I better keep a phone in the shower in case I get too weak to slide the doors open and have to call 911. Unfortunately, there was an oversight and somehow the handles for the doors weren't sent, and neither was the sealer for the tile, so I still have to go upstairs to get a shower.  Hopefully that will be solved soon. However, it's snowing right now,which means no planes, so it might be a few days before freight comes in. One of the disadvantages of living in a remote place. You can't just go down to the local Home Depot and get what you forgot. There's always a lot of planning that goes into a remodel like this. Anyway, by Saturday afternoon the crew was packed up and on their way back to Juneau. It was a whirlwind experience, but when it comes to having your life turned upside down and your house turned inside out, it sure beats dragging it on for weeks.


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