Where does the time go?

   Have you ever sat down at the end of the day and asked yourself, "Where does the time go?"  It's something that happens with more frequency as I get older. I used to rush around like a madman doing this and that, looking forward to the next project, but not so much any more. I move a lot slower now, and if I don't have something that needs done right away, I'm pretty much ok with that for awhile. The problem is, I have all kinds of projects that need done, at least right now, but either I don't have the time or the energy. or something of equal or greater importance pops up that takes precedence. Case in point. Today is the last day of the summer troll season. I had planned on possibly going over to Homeshore for one last hurrah, but instead, I had to take the truck up to have a diagnostic test done on it. Par for the course, the mechanic said-" this is the only vehicle I've  ever checked that this tester won't read." Go figure. Last week my daughter borrowed my truck. When she returned it, it didn't work right any more. Now, I don't really believe that what happened is her fault, it was just  her luck, much like my own, that it decided to go belly up while she was using it. I have a friend who listened to the truck and determined that it needed new plugs, wires and a distributor cap and rotor. For less than $100.00 in parts, my truck was supposed to run like new again.... only it doesn't. I'm not too mechanically inclined, so my friend was doing the work at no cost. Well, I can't very well go inside and work on something that I need to do while he's helping me, so I spent about six hours fiddling around in the rain trying to lend moral support. That of course put me behind in other projects.  My wife is off visiting her mother, so I have to take care of the dog- that's another few hours every day just trying to reason with him. He's a tremendous drain on my time and energy, needing to go outside to the potty at least four times a day. I wanted to work on something else yesterday, but it was finally sunny after a week or more of rain, so I had to stop and mow the blasted lawn, but of course I couldn't just do that, I had to go on turd patrol first; so here I am, an old, grey haired, 62 year old man waltzing around in knee high grass with a garden trowel in one hand and plastic grocery bag in the other looking for poop. This is what my life has been reduced to. When I finally got done with the scavenger hunt, it was time to crank up the lawn mower; well, almost. I mow the lawn of the abandoned house next door in an attempt to keep vermin from making a home there and eventually migrating to my yard. Because the lawn is nice, the neighbors behind me use it as a place to play and store stuff that they may want to find in the next week or so. As a result, I have to toss toys, blankets, pallet boards and assorted and sundry other things back into their yard. That all takes time. The mowing itself is a monumental task, especially in tall, wet grass. I have a self-propelled lawn mower, but the belt that makes it self-propelled is broken, so it's like pushing a 200 lb engine on square wheels uphill. So far I've avoided having a heart attack, but it's only God's grace I'm sure. Of course I have to eat, or I think I do anyway. When I'm out fishing I don't mind opening up a can of corned beef hash or popping a Hungry Man dinner in the oven, but when I'm home, I'd prefer real food. With Momma Jan gone, and the dog being totally useless as a chef, I have to cook for myself. With the prep time and the actual cooking, there goes another hour or more. I don't  have any paper plates, so I have to wash the dishes, another time consuming chore. So, as you can see, twenty four hours a day isn't enough to accomplish all that needs done. Between the cooking, cleaning, laundry, taking care of the dog, paying the bills, shopping, working on the truck, the boat, the lawn, the tool room, attending to my hygiene, tending to my other bodily functions and other unexpected tasks, I feel like I'm always behind. As I've said before and I'll say again, it's no picnic being me. It's a full time job and the pay isn't that great!


  1. Sounds like a busy day, but think of how nice and flea your yard is now! ;)

  2. I don't know what flea means, but thanks

  3. sounds like you are having a tough time, sorry to hear that. The blog was a funny one though, especially the part about you going in the yard and being on turd patrol. Love you

    1. Nothing out of the ordinary Camille. Got the truck working today, and I made enough apple pie mix for three more pies tonight, so I'm on a roll. If I could only go make a subsistence set and get a few more decent sized halibut and a couple deer, I'll be set for the winter.

    2. oh good glad to hear you got the truck fixed. feel free to send some of that apple pie mix my way :). call you this weekend. love you

  4. LOL, whoops! That word should have been clean...keep up the poop patrol!

  5. Well, Autumn, poop patrol wouldn't be necessary if you hadn't gotten your mom the dog. So what does she do? Go on vacation and leave me with the mess. Some people's kids.

  6. You've spoiled the heck out of that dog and have helped to make him the whiney brat he is! ;) We can always change the name to crap collector if that makes the job any more exciting! ;)

  7. I had the same experience, Tom. Was becoming a full-time job just being me, so I said heck with it, quit the job, and became Waldo.
    Only problem is, I'm having a hard time finding myself these days.
    Best Wishes,

    1. Hey Waldo- we've been looking for you! I managed to go make a subsistence set for halibut today, and then had to come home and do all the above all over again, plus clean the BBQ grill and tonight I need to go do my real job and clean some more. Guess I'll be letting the good folks at Di Giorno feed me tonight, with a cold refreshing beverage supplied by the hard working people who make Miller Lite. Thanks for writing Terry.

  8. Don't worry, Momma Jan will be home soon. But we sure are enjoying her here while we have her!! Keep a stiff upper lip, Tom! (It'll make people wonder what the hell is wrong with you...!:) )

    1. That only happens to me when I eat something like custard pie and it gets stuck in my mustache and forget to wash my face.

  9. Haha dad. Have spent the last couple hrs catching up on your posts n laughing and enjoying pictures of family n home. Always forget to check it til remme suggests it. Usually when hes on guard drill n knows ill be lonely n need a pick me up. Sure miss yall. Love you...amber


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