Street Art or Pornography?

 This past ten days or so, all of my kids have been visiting, as well as grandchildren and great grandchildren. To say the least, it's been hectic. I wanted to spend a little time with my older son before he had to leave, so we decided to drive around and look for a spot to go fishing.

As we were driving outside the neighborhood, we came across several considerable pot holes in the street. One is located right in the center of the road, making it almost impossible to miss. I was cursing the borough for not getting around to fixing them, as they have been a problem for the better part of a year. He, in full agreement remarked, " down in Ketchikan, people got tired of complaining to the city council, so they started painting penises in front of the holes."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Nope. They had plenty of time to fix things, but our complaints fell on deaf ears, so some folks decided to take matters in their own hands. It worked too. Pretty soon the city was sending crews out to fill in the holes with pavement and paint over the artwork."

Hmmm... perhaps they've stumbled onto something here. When the government, that our taxes funds, refuse to do their job, why waste time complaining to city hall? Grab some florescent paint and go play Picasso. I personally am not much of an artist, but my grandson has drawn some pretty suspect pictures of lighthouses. Perhaps I could enlist his artistic skills.

They say you can't fight city hall, but perhaps they're wrong.


  1. Bahahahaah…I’ve got plenty of extra paint!

    1. well, don't get rid of it, we may need to take some action soon if things don't improve around here.

  2. Love it!! :) And it sounds like the family reunion was wonderful!!

    1. Hi Jill,
      Well, it was noisy and confusing, and we ate mass quantities of unhealthy food, but it was a good time. They've all returned to their homes now, and I hope that they have some good memories to sustain them till we meet again.

  3. Peaceful protesting, great idea

    1. I think so. Unlike some of the places where protests turn violent, and create more issues, this actually seems to solve a problem, that many people can relate to.

  4. We planted small trees in the pot holes here! And the ones across town people were putting rubber duckies in them when it rained. It is insane how put off the care of the roads is!

    1. well, that's original in any event, though it doesn't do much to repair the potholes, at least it gets the attention, hopefully of the city. Potholes can cause a lot of damage, and they need to be dealt with as soon as they show up. Thanks for sharing.


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