Coffee Break

    Coffee breaks- we all take them. They are an important part of every work day. At some work places they are spelled out- there will be two breaks a day from this time to that time. At other places the time is optional depending on the situation. It's not a good idea to go on a break at a place like, say, the bank, and leave all the money unattended. I have to admit that there have been times when I pulled up to the cold storage to sell fish or get ice and be told that the crew was on a break and I would have to wait until they returned. God forbid that the foreman would have to operate the winch or press the button to start the ice auger. I don't think that's very good business to make your customer wait. However, the options for selling elsewhere or getting ice are pretty limited, so I guess they have the upper hand in that situation.
    I'm self-employed so I can take a break whenever I want... and I do. Sometimes multiple breaks. Frankly when I'm out fishing and there isn't anything biting I stay on a break. God knows how many countless gallons of coffee I've drank. No doubt the inside of my stomach resembles creosote. If I have an autopsy when I die the medical examiner may check my innards and nick name me Tar Baby. I'm surprised I haven't worn my bladder and all the connected parts out by now. Thank God our bodies are made much better than most machinery. Not many washing machines are still working after sixty or so years.  Last Saturday morning I was working at the Forest Service. For reason's I can't recall, I didn't even get to work until ten o'clock. It's not really a big deal what time I get there since I'm doing contract labor, but it's still kind of late to start the work day. Anyway, I called Jen about something and she mentioned that she was making cinnamon rolls. Hey, I like cinnamon rolls; and what better to wash down a cinnamon roll than a hot cup of coffee?  Jen was good enough to bring me out a couple of those tasty pastries and a mason jar of coffee. What a gal. The problem was, it was 10:45 and I hadn't done a damn thing yet and I was on coffee break already!  What a buffoon. If I could have fired myself on the spot I would have, but then who would I have to do the work? The flip side is, who would want to work for a grumpy old troll who won't even let you go on a coffee break? I can see that management and labor are going to have to come to some kind of an agreement concerning the all important coffee break; however, since they are one and the same, I suspect that labor will come out on top with this discussion.


  1. I actually do not take coffee breaks, but am at this moment enjoying a nice cup of tea...and worked all day too...sooo...

  2. I drink coffee all day long if I can :) never take a break though.

  3. Simply a technicality Autumn- coffee, tea, soda, it's all the same. I bet you stop to rid your bladder of the tea from time to time. Hence, you are taking a break of sorts.

    Camille, I know you spend at least an hour a day in the bathroom- especially if you're drinking coffee all day!

  4. I pee once a day, just in the morning. I have a bladder the size of a blown up bagpipe...soooo...makes great music when it's released...sooo...

  5. I guess I don't know how to respond to that. I imagine it would be great to have that ability on a road trip.


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