New Book

  My apologies to those who follow this blog. The past month or so- well longer than that- but anyway it's been incredibly busy between working on the boat and trying to get out fishing and following up on this book. I've also been dealing with Shingles which I thought would have been ancient history by now, but aren't. The meds I take for them seem to leave me more crabby than normal and not able to focus well. I have had a hard time getting motivated. I'll be glad when I can stop taking anything. I know it's not good to let too much time elapse between posting, but frankly, I  have to make a living and the blog doesn't make me any money. At least not until now! As you can see I have a new book out. It has the same title as this blog, which isn't surprising because I took various posts from the blog, tweaked them a little and sent it down to the publishers. For those not familiar with the book publishing business, let me tell you, it can be a long, drawn out affair. Lots of sending emails and documents back and forth. I sent down a handful of pictures that I wanted to have considered for the cover. Since it's my book, and I'm self published, I have a lot of say in what I want. This cover is designed by a gal named Jenny Randall. I took the picture down at the old airplane float on a sunny day when the fog was still on the water up the bay. You can see the corner of Graveyard Island on the left. I'm sure I tested Jenny's patience with the whole design process, but I know what I like and I really liked the end product. If you follow this blog you may not have much interest in buying the book. However, perhaps you know someone who might enjoy reading it, in which case I'd happily sell you one or more copies.  This book is a little bit bigger than the previous two, since I had more material to draw on. In fact it was going to be even longer, but the publisher was good enough to give me the same price even though there were considerably more pages and I didn't want to rip him off. I probably had enough material for two books, but one is most likely enough. In any event there are 268 pages of witty, entertainment packed into this fine book. Should you decide to order one you can contact me at and I will be glad to get one to you. Be forewarned, I'm going to be gone fishing for awhile so there may be a slight delay, but as soon as I return I will get them mailed out. The price is still only $14.95 plus $2.50 for media rate mailing via the USPO.
 I guess that's all I have for now. I need to go to the boat and unload my long line reel and get ready to go out to Cross Sound or some such place. I'll post again when I can. See ya later.


  1. I will be buying a copy for sure. And I think a few more for Christmas gifts as well!

  2. Yes, yes indeed. I believe all of Aaron's family as well as his co-workers would like to have a copy. No doubt your co-workers and the waitresses at you favorite dining establishments, all of the clerks at the stores you frequent, the mailman, vet,everyone who has ever attended a wedding where you baked the cake and all of the folks at church as well as their extended families would all enjoy a copy, so perhaps you could get the list together and I can contact the publisher so he can prepare a thousand or more copies. Since you're my daughter, I'll give you the wholesale price- plus shipping of course.

  3. Congratulations on another book dad.
    Love you

  4. Why, that's so generous, I better get on that list!

  5. Thanks Camille. I'll keep your copy here until you come if that's alright, unless of course Autumn would like to buy you a copy also.

  6. I'll send in my order. Congrats.


  7. Thanks so much Terry! I'll get the order coming your way as soon as I have your address.


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