The Baptism

  For a number of years Chris and Terri  Budke, the pastors at our church, have thrown a party in May. It's held out behind their house on the tidal flats. Last Sunday in lieu of church we all gathered for a baptism as well as a party. Actually the two go hand in hand very well. When Sunday morning came I was wondering how it was all going to pan out. The weather didn't look very co-operative. There were clouds and it looked like rain was in store, but as afternoon approached the clouds dissipated and the sun came out and it was a gorgeous day. The time for the party was set to coincide with the high tide to allow for the baptism. On low tide the flats are devoid of water. While the air was warm, I'm fairly certain the water was pretty doggone chilly to put it mildly. Nonetheless, four people wanted to proclaim their faith publicly and opted to be baptized on the flats. Tim and Shelly Yandell, Jenny Miller and Jeremy Johnson all took the plunge, and it was just a real blessing to be a part of that experience. Of course because it was a party, there was a lot of food. Budkes supplied the hot dogs and hamburgers and drinks and every one else brought something along. Even though there were about 130 people who came and went, there was food in abundance and everyone chowed down  as much as they desired and there was food left over. Holy cow, there was baked beans and potato salad, deviled eggs and coleslaw, chips and cookies and chocolate cake and all the fixings for dressing up a burger or dog. One couple even showed up with a King Salmon for the barbeque that they  had caught the previous day. One industrious and artistic fellow brought this fruit bowl that he carved out of a watermelon. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a picture of it, as well as sample the contents. With all the problems confronting folks in these troubling times, it was nice to gather with friends and enjoy some great fellowship and food and support these fine people who aren't ashamed to declare their faith to the world.


  1. Hi Todd- it was so much fun. I wish you could have been here to enjoy it with us.

  2. That sounds like a very fun day! Love the watermelon, someone is TALENTED!

  3. It was really fun. Because it happened on a Sunday, your mom was able to attend. She thoroughly enjoyed herself- very relaxing. The wrestling coaches father did the watermelon. There were quite a number of pictures taken of it.


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