For the Boys


  Last November I had the uncommon foresight to send down my gurdies for a complete overhaul. They had gotten so bad that I was unable to pull in the trolling lines without physically helping the wire wind on to the reels.  The forward gurdy is supposed to haul up a fifty pound cannon ball plus all the other gear and the after gurdy is used to pull in a thirty five pound cannonball as well as a float bag and all the gear.  According to the doctor I have a torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder, so man handling this gear on board isn't really an option. In any event, I sent these gurdies down to Oregon to D R Machine. The owner, Dennis Rush has a reputation for doing a good job working on troll gurdies. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw them. As you can see, they're like brand new- only better. I'm really pleased with the work he did. The boys have been wanting to see a picture of these since I got them back, so fella's this one's for you. Hope you get a chance to try them out soon.


  1. Glad they're better! Hope this makes it easier for you!

  2. Thanks for the picture dad. Yeah those look nothing like they were. I can't wait to try them out. Soon if all goes well. Take care dad.

  3. Hi Autumn- I'm quite certain it will be many times easier to get the gear up and down. A person can't afford to fight with his equipment when you count on it for a living.

    Hi Brian- they look like brand new. I'm still working out the bugs trying to get everything mounted. I'm going to re-do all the hydraulic hoses too. They've been there since 95 so I guess an overhaul is long overdue. Thanks for commenting.

  4. Damn christmas time on the Bonnie J. They're really spectacular dad..I'm very impressed..Like Brian..I can't wait to try them out as well. I may never leave the cockpit... Thanks for posting this for us. Thanks for the CD;s too...They're great...Candace almost cried and said how thoughtful!..Thanks again for everything..I'll ge Brian his CD.

  5. I'm glad you're happy with the work Dennis did - I always appreciate craftsmen who take pride in the work they do. And I hope having them fixed will give your poor shoulder a break!

  6. Hi Ben- yeah, they're really sweet. I'm going down today to mount the other one, then on Monday I'll talk to Dave at Tideland about setting me up with new hydraulic hoses. I hope I live long enough to enjoy all the improvements. I hope you all enjoy the CD's. Some of the songs I think you'll like, some I'm not sure. Anyway, I wanted you to have something that I enjoy so much. Take care.

    Hi Jill- You would not believe what a difference there is in what I sent down to fix and what came back. I so admire craftsmen. Dennis likes what he does and it shows. It's hard to believe that that kind of character used to be typical in the United States. I hope we can return to a similar work ethic soon. My shoulder may not be 100%, but having the gurdies working well will sure help. It will definitely be an attitude adjustment for the better too. Thanks for commenting gal.

  7. The old fella I bought fish with for several years for PFI was a hand troller. If he ever complained, it was about his forearms cramping up but he always liked to advertise that Midol was Made for Men, which was what he used to ease the muscle tension. Funny, your picture reminded me of Dreamboat Bill. Had you ever met, neither of you would have made it out of the harbor for all the storytelling.

  8. Thanks for the c.d. dad, I have not listened to it yet but will when I get a minute.Love you.Liz

  9. Hi Renee- Sounds like someone I would like to meet. I've never heard of using Midol, but If things don't improve soon, I may have to give it a try.

    Hi Liz- you're welcome. Hope you like it.


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