

 Well, I'm up here at the library again. It's the only place available to me to continue with the blog posts. It's not ideal. For one thing I'm out of my comfort zone a bit. I never know what I'm going to confront when I come up  here. On occasion I arrive and all eight public use computers are in use. Unfortunately, even though there is a thirty minute use policy here, it's not enforced, so some folks come here when it opens at 1:00 P.M. and don't leave until the end of the day- or so it seems. I really think that the library chairs should have built in electric elements, much like an electric stove. After thirty minutes of one person's bum sitting on the seat, a sensor would turn on the element and it would heat up until it became too uncomfortable for even the most calloused person to remain seated. Then they would be forced to leave the seat and find a refreshing pool of cool water to sit in. Today I came up here and there was a computer open, but not the one I like. I happen to like Julian. Julian the computer is located on the end of the table, so I don't feel sandwiched between two other users in case the place is crowded. Most of the time Julian works fairly fast. Amos and Bertha- two of the other computers on this side of the table seem to cause problems, which is also why I don't like to use them. I don't know the name of the computer next to me. The name tag was probably ripped off in a fit of rage by someone totally frustrated with it's performance. Nothing brings out the anger in a person like a computer. When I came here today Julian was in use by a gal who could use a little professional help in the mental health department. I was forced to sit at Amos, who proved to be totally unsatisfactory. Just as well. I had to go home and retrieve the hardware for my camera so I could down load a picture anyway. When I came back, the gal was sitting at Amos, and Julian was free. However, she left her jacket, I pod and two bags of groceries in the area. I hope that she doesn't think I'm trying to take over her stuff. She too found Amos to be unsatisfactory and has moved across the table to a computer that was being used by a fellow playing dominoes. Domino Man went downstairs to use the restroom and when he returned his spot was occupied by needy lady. Fortunately, Domino Man is pretty laid back and no scene was made. There are times when I come up here and it's complete and utter chaos. Especially after school lets out. Many of the kids think that the computers are primarily for games and they play them emphatically, talking freely back and forth, making it almost impossible to concentrate. I do wish that the librarian would put in a grant request for the cattle prod I had suggested awhile back. There would be so much more order. I'd probably contribute to such a worthy cause myself. Oh well. Guess I better go. This seat is starting to get uncomfortably warm.


  1. You have my condolences regarding being stuck in a public computer set-up. Hope you get yours fixed soon! Trust me, your librarian wishes she had a cattle prod, earplugs, and and ejector seat at her disposal!

  2. Where the heck did they come up with the names? And, you should sneak a whoopie cushion under the seats do they compress when a person sits down. Maybe they'll get embarrassed enough to leave, therefore vacating said seat and leaving you with your choice!

  3. Oh good old public computers...Need I say more:) Good blog dad, Liz

  4. Hi Jill- I never thought of an ejector seat at the library. I did mention one to my dentist- in case one of his patients got too unruly while under the drill. Hmmm- the only drawback would be where would we eject them to? It would be awful to come home and find a bunch of holes in my new roof and unwanted guests helping themselves to the contents of my fridge.

    Hi Autumn- no whoopie cushions here. Actually I'm glad. Some of these clowns would think it was neat and would make a habit of getting up and sitting back down.It would sound like a barnyard in here. Years ago when the pool was first built, the superintendent of the school was thinking about putting some dye in the pool that would react to urine. He didn't do it for the same reason- like he said,some folks would think the colored dye looked cool and would intentionally pee in the pool. Ah, humans...

    Yeah, I know Liz. At least I'm not left totally without. If I couldn't unleash my uncommon good wit every now and then I would probably have a meltdown.

  5. I thought they did have dye and that was the only reason I would not pee in the pool, geez so many wasted trips to the pot.

    1. With the number of gallons of water I swallowed when swimming, I'm glad to know that at least I was spared ingesting your pee. Thanks for the info.

  6. Always good for a laugh; bonus today, two. LOL LOL

  7. Hi Rene- A little Valentines gift for ya. I'm hoping I can get another post going soon. I've been swamped lately. Nice to hear from ya gal.

  8. Haha...that was great...unfortunately for you,dad,I never got the memo bout the dye in the pool. Remmes makin your famous muffins n teachin kaiden the art...you've unleashed a beast

  9. Hi Amber- I hope I wasn't swimming when you were in the pool. I have several unpleasant memories from my time swimming with you kids. I dove once and stayed underwater with my eyes closed, swimming as fast as I could. I remember thinking to myself- Man I'm really going fast. Right after that I slammed head first into the wall. It's a wonder I didn't break my neck and float to the top like a dead fish.
    Enjoy the muffins. I need to go to Costco and get some dried blueberries so I can make some for myself. I did, however make some delightful rice pudding with raisins last night. Yumm!


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