The Fat Boy Company

I usually don't post extra large pictures on this blog, but I wanted you, the readers, to get some idea of how large this chair actually is. Some years back I came home from a fishing trip and here was this chair on the front porch, with my son-in-law sitting in it. It was so large I assumed that he couldn't get it in the front door, which wasn't the case. It fit, but just barely. The kids had gotten together and bought it for my birthday, which was a very nice surprise, but I was almost embarrassed when I sat down in it. I was unaccustomed to such luxury. It was so big my legs dangled out over the front and I sank into the cushion almost up to my neck. I alternately felt either like a little kid or a king. It's as close as I'll ever come to sitting on a throne that's for sure.  As you can see, this chair is huge. If the fabric were to be stripped off of it, it there would probably be enough to fashion a small circus tent. At  the very least it could house the fat lady and her family. Speaking of which, it wasn't until today that it dawned on me that this was indeed a member of the Fat Boy Company. It was a genuine Fat Boy Chair. If you remember from other posts, I already have a pair of Fat Boy shoes and a Fat Boy pillow. If you recall, the pillow was so plump it ripped out the seams of the pillow case when I tried to stuff it in- I'm not kidding. Now when I use that set of sheets, I have one pillow with a pillow case and one that's bare naked. It's not a good scene. Can you even buy one pillow case anywhere? Maybe someone out there knows the answer. Anyway, back to the chair. When I first put it in the living room I was constantly banging in to the wall going into the hallway. The chair stuck out into the living room so far that it radically reduced the floor space available for walking. I measured the chair prior to this post- it's 48inches from the outside of one arm to the outside of the other. It's large enough that we've had two full grown adults sit in it side by side comfortably, or our tubby dachsund and myself  stuffed into it uncomfortably. He used to lay down and then jam  his feet against the arm, shoving me against the other side, that pushy little... When I was in Juneau last time I bought a new recliner. Jan was encouraging me to get one. The Fat Boy had been repaired a couple of times and was starting to look a little dumpy- kind of like me. I ended up buying a Lazy Boy recliner that rocks. It's pretty comfortable, and I like being able to rock, but frankly I feel like I'm sitting in doll furniture now. The dog is none too happy about the new chair either- there's only room for me and maybe not even me if I get any bigger. I have to say, I like having more space in the living room, but I kind of miss my Fat Boy. Fortunately we didn't throw it out. It's upstairs in the office where, if I'm having an extra tough day, I can retire to the softness of the those big cushions and recline in the lap of luxury. I'll even make room for the dog. I'm reminded of a Far Side cartoon. This old lady has lifted the cushion on a fluffy chair and spots the hairbrush she had lost and right beside it is her husband, with only his head sticking out, who had also gotten stuck between the cushions. So, if you hear that I'm missing, perhaps you could have the cops check the Fat Boy. Lord knows there's room enough to get lost in there.


  1. Hell, still looks like a great chair to me...Ben.

  2. That's hilarious, good blog! I love the cartoon that shows the really fat lady with her backside to you, and she's hanging up a lost dog photo. Then you look down and see the poor dog squashed between her ample butt cheeks!

  3. Hey Ben- yeah, it is. I sat in it yesterday and I felt like I was being swallowed alive.

    Hi Autumn- That's kind of like the one with the pygmy stuck to the bottom of the elephant's foot. That guy had such a great imagination and sense of humor. I wish he still had his column.

  4. Poor Rigby! Now make room for him, Tom!

  5. Makes me think of my HUGE, Amish-made,tapestry-covered armchair that I bought many years ago. It, too, is gargantuan. I sat in MY chair for many years, but the knee/hip problems made me get a different chair last year. The HUGE armchair was relegated to the front room (where the computers are). Sam is in the process of changing his Train Room into a Study (cue the Hugh Hefner smoking jacket and babes - NOT!), and he's decided to appropriate the HUGE chair for it. Best of luck to Jim and Sam moving it upstairs this weekend!LOL!

  6. HI Jill,
    Fortunately, the Fat Boy came in two pieces, otherwise there would have been no way to get it up there. My left arm has a torn rotator cuff, so it's not much use in hauling heavy things. While that may sound like a problem, it's actually a good excuse for not doing any heavy lifting. I hope you have a goodly supply of ibuprofen for the fellows.


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