Heading out to the Sound

It's about 9:30 PM and I'm getting tired. I've had an exceptionally busy day topped off with dinner with a delightful couple we met at church. I would like to forgo the blog post tonight, but as one of my kids mentioned, I haven't posted for about a week, so as they say, no rest for the wicked and the righteous don't need any. Fishing around this area has been hit and miss at best. Not at all what a person would expect for mid-August. In order to keep from having to join the masses collecting food stamps this winter, I opted to go out to Cross Sound on the outside coast and see if fishing didn't improve. Actually a friend called to let me know he was catching out there, so I went to where the fish were. Its surprising- if you go fishing where the fish are, you stand a better chance of catching them. Simply amazing. On the way out I had to pass by Idaho Inlet. It's located just a few miles from South Inian Pass which leads out to the sound. The red can buoy there marks a high spot that you wouldn't want to run into with a deep
draft boat. The sealions like to get out of the water and sun themselves on it. Lord knows what the blasted thing must smell like. When I was passing by, one of them dropped down into the water, then decided he wanted back up. The other sealions were having none of it- one in particular had his teeth bared and was making a racket. They're so big that when one gets off it upsets the balance of the buoy so it's all lopsided,so you'd think that they would want to balance it out, but noooooo... they're very selfish, unpleasant creatures. Kind of like some people I know.I wish they hated each other so much that they wouldn't even mate. Also kind of like some people I know.There were more than a few of these sea otters in the sound. This one was just taking it easy, paddling around on his back. I used to do that when I went swimming with fins. With my big gut sticking out I looked like the great white whale. Good thing harpoons were frowned upon in the pool. I was passing by Georges Island and took the third picture looking over towards Elfin Cove. The smoke on the left marks the front entrance. There is a much smaller entrance that leads to the back harbor. On my next blog post I'll share some pictures and a little info about Elfin Cove-it's really a picturesque place. The last picture is looking to the north. The dark mountains in the front are about the size of the ones we have around here- probably several thousand feet high. As you can see, they are dwarfed by the mountains behind that make up the Fairweather range. I believe that they are so high that they make their own weather. They never cease to have snow. They're really quite awe-inspiring. That outside coast is a rugged, beautiful place. I love to go out there, but so often the weather is shaky at best. This time around there were several days of thick fog, which makes it really hard to navigate by myself. I have a radar and a GPS, but it can still be difficult to fish and watch out for obstacles and other boats, all the while getting bounced around by the waves and current. It would be like going on a carnival ride that was located in a bowl of pea soup- challenging. Anyway, sorry this isn't more entertaining, but it is what it is. I plan on being gone for a few days or more. Believe it or not, I need to make money- what a strange concept. If I don't make money, I can't pay for this web site and I won't be able to entertain the masses, so I won't be posting again until after I return. Meanwhile feel free to look at past posts- a blog re-run if you will. See ya when I get back. Ta Ta!


  1. Good blog dad, love the pics. cant wait for the log on Elfin Cove. love you

  2. "I wish they hated each other so much that they wouldn't even mate" Haha.. Great blog post dad.. Hope you slay the salmon. Take care and be safe..

  3. Well, Brian pretty much said it! ;) Be safe out there and thanks for posting. I often already look at old ones, they still crack me up! Love you!

  4. It really is too bad one couldn't decide for the next if they should mate or not....just curious how different the world would be with more responsible people:) Good blog dad...always makes me laugh. Liz

  5. Hi Kids-
    thankyou all for the comments. Obviously I made it back. Fishing wasn't too good, but it is what it is. At least I'm not raising corn in the mid-west. Everyone has to deal with something. I did put a prayer request on Prayer Works- the website that Pastor Jeff Schreve has and I recieved notice that a number of people were praying for the troll fleet. That's really encouraging. It's nice to hear from all of you too.

  6. lol..wow..never cease to amaze me how you manage to find humor in the simplest of things..and even in things that one would be irriated about (sealions and stupid people mating)...was a comical post...love you

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