T-shirt Tommy

Periodically I find myself procrastinating over some task. We got back from our trip last Wednsday, but I'm just now getting around to unloading my suitcase. Well, I got started on it anyway. I needed some socks this morning and I didn't see any in my drawer, so I checked the suitcase and sure enough there were some in there; however, I had to wade through a mountain of t-shirts to get to them. I got to thinking about all the T's I have in my drawer and decided to check them out. Thunderation! I have T-shirts to burn! I could wear a different T-shirt every day for at least three weeks, maybe longer. I didn't bother to lay out any of the white ones- they're sort of boring. Kind of like going to Baskin-Robbins and ordering vanilla. The ones shown here are just the ones from my drawer, I have a plastic tub full of fishing clothes with probably another six or eight at least. A few months ago Jan bought me some black ones which I thought was nice, even though I didn't need them. She probably thought I would get rid of some of my ratty looking ones, but I'm always thinking I could use them for fishing. Last week my mother-in-law came in from the thrift store with another load of black T-shirts. I guess black is the in color now. In any event, I'll be set for awhile. Looking through my stash I see an L. Kane Store 100 year anniversary one, 1893-1993. It's probably a medium. If I tried that on now my boobs would bunch up like I was wearing  a Victorias Secret push-up bra and my gut would be jammed between the bottom of the shirt and the top of my pants like a flesh colored basketball. I have a shirt from Kauai that I don't remember buying, there's my Spongebob Squarepants T, a freebie from Tideland Tackle that says Just Fish Alaska, a Hoonah fishing derby one that says Catch a Winner, there's the Arizona Cardinals, a kind of putrid yellow one advertizing Icy Strait Point- they may want to reconsider that color, a Hoonah Braves shirt, a nice grey one from my brother advertizing his business in Florida, one from the military that says An army of One ( it was white but after repeated wearings it's starting to look like the Icy Straits shirt)and one from Hog's Breath Saloon advertizing the Key West King Mackeral Fishing Derby. On the front by the pocket it says "Hog's breath is better than no breath at all." I suppose truer words were never spoken. There are others that I could mention, but I would like to go to bed sometime tonight. I would like to say, you need to be careful what you put on your T shirt if you're advertizing.  My daughter Jen was wearing a T-shirt advertizing Big Brothers and Big Sisters that said "Who mentored you?" She was sitting in a chair and it was a little bunched up, so when my son Ben looked at it he thought it said "Who mentioned you?" He thought that was a little odd to have on a shirt advertizing Big Brothers/ Big Sisters. Nothing like making the kids feel wanted. Personally I think I should have a thousand of them printed up and see if I could sell them to the locals. It would do wonders for the tourist industry if we all wore a shirt that said " Welcome to Alaska- Who Mentioned You?"


  1. Guess you just can't have enough t-shirts.

  2. Oh my gosh, I was CRACKING up! I also thought that it said, "Who mentioned you", I couldn't understand why they would do that to BB/BS kids! :) Also, I think you should go ahead and sport the LKanes shirt while trying to sell your t-shirts, may sell more that way...at least it will be eye catching! Love ya!

  3. HI Camille- I forgot to mention the Bubba Gump Shrimp T that I had and I think one or two others. I finally had to get rid of a blue one that said Pepsi on it, but I've still got a red Coke one. I think Justin passed those on to me. I should go through my hats some time too- I think I probably have fifteen or so of those, though most of them say Hoonah Cold Storage. Obviously I have a hard time parting with things.
    Hi Autumn- Yeah, they may want to reconfigure the saying on that BB/BS shirt. The kids come for a little support and mentoring and leave feeling like second class citizens- probably not the intent of the program. I'm afraid at this juncture of my life I couldn't even get my fat head into the L. Kanes shirt. Best to leave it alone and see if it ever becomes worth anything- and hope that it's not set upon by a band of ravenous moths.


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