
Years ago, when the L.Kane Store still sold groceries and fuel, there was a sign prominently displayed on the back wall of the office. You couldn't miss it if you entered. It said simply,  "Those requesting credit in this establishment will be pummeled repeatedly with punishing blows about the head and shoulders!"  I loved that sign. Unfortunately it was more humorous than factual because everyone and his brother would come in, give the manager a sob story and walk out with hundreds of dollars worth of goods or fuel which only occasionally was paid back. As you can imagine, the store eventually closed down; however, I'm not here to write about credit or Kane's or humorous signs,I'm here to write about this blasted snow. I've been shoveling massive quantities for days- so much so that I have almost nowhere else to pile it. The bottom picture shows the scene on my front porch. The snow that has slid off the roof is piled so high we almost don't have any room left to see outside. To say that I'm sick of this would be the understatement of the century. I wonder if I could hire Al Gore to come shovel my roof off for a day or two. I want him to experience global warming first hand. I had to climb up there a few days ago to get some of the weight off. The snow was up to my waist in some places and was getting kind of heavy. To complicate matters, it's a steel roof, so if I dug down to the steel, I'd lose my footing and start to slide. It probably wouldn't have hurt too bad, falling into a huge snow bank, but getting out would have been quite the challenge. By the time I got done shoveling I felt like a band of angry Pygmies had pummeled me repeatedly about the head and shoulders with punishing blows. My back and legs weren't feeling any too good either. The exertion of all that shoveling had me sweating in my coveralls, while my hands and feet were about to freeze. Oh how I love winter. The top picture shows the tools necessary to deal with the onslaught of snow- shovel, ice scraper, broom and ice melt. I should hook up my weed burner and start melting some of it, but I'd probably catch the house or truck on fire. Of course if that happened I'd have to move somewhere else for awhile, probably somewhere warmer, like Key West. I try to brush the extra snow off my boots before I enter the foyer, but inevitably some of the snow clings to the tread of my boots and drops on the linoleum. Of course it melts and I always manage to step in the frigid puddle with my socks. A guy could go through a dozen pairs of dry socks a day when the weather is like this outside. To add to my misery, the weather man keeps promising it's going to rain. Today is Sunday. It was supposed to warm up and rain last Friday, then it was going to rain today, now it's supposed to happen on Tuesday. Hope deferred makes the heart sick.  I really wish it would rain, it would knock down some of this snow. Of course the streets would be solid ice, but I'd be willing to put up with that for awhile, at least you don't have to shovel the rain.


  1. that's a lot of snow. sorry dad :(

  2. HI Camille- yes,it's a LOT of snow and as I look out my window, in the space that isn't buried in snow, I see that it's snowing again. How utterly shocking! I should go out and shovel the sidewalk and driveway and boat and a path to the fuel tank, but the very idea is making me tired, so I'll probably wait for awhile. Maybe I should just go hibernate until all the snow is gone.

  3. Try that dad, just get some good snacks and go to bed for a while. Don't forget to bring a bucket for that much needed relief though! :) Sorry, it's nice and dry up here, we're just freezing our asses off! Love ya!

  4. Jim and Sam would sacrifice eye teeth for the snow you have -- the snowmobile trails in central WI haven't opened yet. We have been taunted by just a couple of inches lately...hang in there!!

  5. Hi Autumn- I've been watching the weather forcasts lately and I see that you guys have been pretty chilly.All the more reason not to move to that area. I don't want to go somewhere colder if and when I move, I want to be warmer. My friends in Fairbanks are really going through it temperature wise. Any time it gets beyond 40 below its just too cold to be living there.
    Hi Jill- I'd love to send them some of our excess. I guess no matter where you are, you wish you were somewhere else. I'm sure they'll get their snow eventually. The winter is still young, unfortunately.

  6. Okay dad...I see the first pic is the back porch..but where are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pics from???

  7. Wait..guessing the 4th is from the front porch as I see Tina and George's corner of their house...but the middle two I'm not recognizing the area...

  8. AJ I think one of the pics w/the brown building is the forest service.

  9. I heard you guys were nailed. So far today it looks like we've gotten 6 inches or so. I plan on taking the kids sledding in town when they get off school today. I too would love to see Al Gore do any sort of manual labor LOL

  10. Hi Amber, I just now got around to reading this post again. Yes the two are of the Forest Service office building. It sure looks a lot better now though since the rain has come and melted about half the snow.

  11. HI Erika, six inches sounds managable if the weather isn't 40 below. I see that you guys actually had above zero temps today-woo-hoo!

  12. I don't think we've even seen a total of 6 inches this entire winter...which..I'm not complaining...we had 60 degree weather for the majority of Iowa...go figure! Gonna be a rough one for the farmers this summer I'm thinkin....Now I recognize the area once you told me where it was...


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