Lost in the Fog

 I was coming back from the store or some such place a couple of days ago when the sun started to burn off the fog. I like to get pictures when that  happens, it gives the landscape a whole different perspective. Obviously it doesn't do any good to take pictures of the fog before the sun comes out- they would all look the same- kind of like a grey wool navy blanket. In the short time it took for me to get my camera from the house and return, the sun had already dissipated a good deal of what I was trying to capture. Nonetheless, I decided to get a few shots off before it was all gone. Being out on a boat when the fog sets in can be a bit unnerving. I recall one time, before I had a GPS to help guide me, I was in Cross Sound in thick fog. I think I already had the gear in the water before it set in. There were a number of boats in the area and all I had was an old radar that had a hood that you had to look through to see anything. About half the time it didn't work at all, and the other half, I wasn't sure that what it showed was accurate. It was fairly well unnerving to be drifting around like that. One other time I was down near Surge Bay on the outside coast. It was July 4, and I was catching kings at a fairly steady pace. The fog set in and because I was fishing by myself, I had to man the radar. I was watching the tattle-tales- the lines that let me know a fish is on- jumping and bouncing with large king salmon as they struck. Unfortunately I couldn't leave the radar to go pull them in. By the time the fog lifted and I could go out and run the lines, they had all gotten off. To say I was unhappy would be a serious understatement. If Gary Larson, the guy who wrote the comic strip The Far Side had known me personally, he probably could have had an unlimited supply of material to write about. My life reads like one giant comic strip. That's ok though. When my time is up, I want folks to remember me with a smile on their face and laughter in their heart. After all, if you can't laugh at yourself, you're taking life way too seriously. I still remember the bumber sticker that my friend Buffalo Bob Holden had on his little aluminum troller. It was a rather bold statement and could apply to fishing as well as life in general. It said simply- Onward, through the fog. How profound. On the one hand  I found  it rather humorous. I believe it was referring to the state one could find himself in after a night at the bar. On the other hand, it's a declaration of faith. We can't see what's around the bend until we get there. Sooo... whether I'm piloting my boat or navigating through life I guess I'll keep moving onward, through the fog,and hope I don't run aground.


  1. This is the most profound thing I've read in a while.

  2. Great blog dad. Love the pictures to

  3. Well said dad. And the pictures are gorgeous! Love you!

  4. HI Todd- I was just shooting for being entertaining, it looks like I unwittingly outdid myself. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Have a great day buddy!

    Hi girls. I thought you might enjoy the fog pictures. I find myself in the fog so often that it's kind of like a natural state for me.

  5. the fog state must be part of the Botts luck

  6. Haha...I hafta concur with Camille..think I live half my life in the fog...the other half wishin I was back in the fog! They are fantastical pics, however;-) Been a while since I've gotten the opportunity to get on here...gotta see what other blogs you have goin;-) Love ya! AJ

  7. Grr...welll......I had written a post...pretty much concuring with what Camille said and stating that half my life I seem to live in the fog and the other half wishing I was back IN the fog...regardless..the pics were fantabulous..as always..love ya! AJ

  8. Hi Amber- it looks like both comments came through. I suspect it's best not to be lost in the fog whether on a boat or living your life. When the fog lifts, it's always a relief.

  9. Awesome blog and great pictures! I miss Hoonah so much


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