Feeding Frenzy

    The ground outside is still covered with tons of snow which I don't find very attractive at all- especially when it's starting to melt. It gets dirty and looks really ugly in my opinion. If I didn't know that there will be many more snow days ahead of me I might get excited about the dirty snow-the dirty, dirty snow. It's usually a sign that spring is coming, but I'm not going to fall for that. A couple days ago the wind was whipping and the rain was falling like pouring pee out of a boot. There was even thunder at about 6:30 in the morning. That's a rather unusual occurrence here. In my thirty five years here, I only recall seeing lightning maybe twice, and I could probably count on one hand the number of times I've heard thunder here. I'm not sure why that is- it may have something to do with all the moisture in the atmosphere here. In any event, I once again am not going to do a blog post on snow. I opted instead to do one on the feeding frenzy going on out front of the Hoonah Cold Storage dock this past summer. Apparently the cold storage just got done grinding some fish parts and the gulls are feasting. It reminds me of the time my daughter Liz came in from the outhouse all distressed. I believe she had gone out to dump the porta-potty and was totally unglued because the flies were in the outhouse feasting. Feasting flies.Where are the frogs when you need them?
  This picture is reminiscent of many of the meals at our house when the kids were growing up. I don't know how we did it. One minute there were bowls full of food on the table and the next everything was gone. Nine people sitting at one table. Though there were times of stress and utter confusion, now that I look back on it, I think it was fun. I still hate it if we don't have very many people eating at our Thanksgiving table. This year we only had eight and it almost seemed quiet. The only thing crazier was in the morning when everyone was trying to get ready for school or work. When we first moved into town there was only one  bathroom. Good Lord- nine toothbrushes to keep track of, I didn't know they made that many different colors.  Fortunately most of  those memories have been pretty well blocked out of my mind. With six females in the house you can imagine the chaos. I suspect we bought as much toilet paper as we did bread.We always had a pretty hefty bill running at the store. It seems like laundry was a bit of a challenge too... "Mom!So and So is wearing my underwear again and she's stretching it out! When I look back on it now, its pretty entertaining- not so much so at the time. For those of you with little children, whether many or few, try to embrace each day. For all the challenges that come your way, they do grow up. I promise. Now I think I will go into the kitchen and start my own feeding frenzy. Bon Appetite!


  1. I have 4 nieces all 2 years apart. Teenage girls are something else!

  2. Indeed they are. There's a good reason why most people have kids when they're young. By the time they grow up all of your energy is spent.

  3. I'm curious about Liz's fly episode!

  4. You should probably ask her about it. Also mention the time she spilled the potty and what Jen told her. Nothing like having a loving sister.

  5. Oh I remember hearing about the potty spililng, Jen said she got her butt beat for that one! NASTY! Hey, it made for interesting stories later if nothing else!

  6. HAHA...I don't recall anyone wearin anyone elses underwear...but it was amusing regardless....the dinner time..wow..yeah..you could pretty much count on someone spilling their milk at dinner...damn near every night...ahhh...good times..good times.

  7. Yeah, I think we should have had Tommy Tippy cups all around. It might have saved on the amount of milk we had to buy.


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