Heckel and Jeckel

I probably shouldn't be writing a blog post right now. I've been tired and crabby all day. I'm sure it's at least partly my fault, but frankly, I didn't sleep well last night. A few weeks ago I reluctantly agreed to replace our freezer for  a new, modern one that is frost free. There was some money set aside just for that purpose so there wasn't much I could say. Of course the idea was that we would save money on electricity. Well, I found out today that the frost free models use 40% more power than the one we replaced. Lovely. To make matters worse, the freezer is located on the wall opposite of where my bed is, and it doesn't shut off- ever. When I go to bed it's running and this morning when I awoke at 4: 30 it was still running. Now, I don't know how it is that for the majority of the day I can' only hear half of what is spoken to me. Sometimes I'll be talking to someone and nod and smile when I think I should, without hearing exactly what they said. I got reprimanded once because I smiled and said good to a guy who was telling me about his wife being in the hospital or some such thing. Anyway, for some reason my hearing is selective. When I would like to hear something I can't really, and when I would like to have quiet so I can sleep, my ears are so fine tuned I could pick up radio waves from space. What gives? Anyway, in an effort to keep from getting a call from a demanding audience, I'm writing a blog post.
 Of course none of this has anything at all to do with Magpies. I just needed a picture to put up here and anyone who has never seen one, I thought they might be interested. I did a little research on these guys a few weeks ago, but I've pretty much forgotten what I read. What I remember, or think I remember, is that these are Western Magpies. Their tails make up  half of their body length, they are scavengers and I think I read that they mate for life. They are certainly a beautiful bird.
 When I was a kid there used to be a cartoon about two magpies named Heckel and Jeckel. It wasn't my favorite cartoon- they were always picking on this poor farmer, eating his corn crop and so on. I don't know why I got so upset over a cartoon, but I had a strong sense of justice, even when I was young. I couldn't very well change the channel either, we only had three to choose from and you might end up  with The Edge of Night soap opera or some other depressing hoo-haa. If you waded through the two magpies, usually Popeye would come on or Howdy Doody or some other worthwhile kid-friendly program. Nowadays, most of the cartoons don't seem funny at all, with the exception of Sponge Bob Squarepants- now that's a cartoon! I wish it would have been on when I was a kid. Shoot, if it had been my idea, I could buy a house with a garage so I could stick that noisy freezer out there.


  1. That made me laugh! Perhaps you just need a new freezer! ;)

  2. The one that never shut off was a new freezer. I had it for less than two weeks and I couldn't take it any more. I was fortunate enough to be able to trade it in for one that will need defrosted at least once a year, but at least it will turn off once in a while. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if I couldn't return it- I had visions of shooting it like Jimmy Buffett sang about.

  3. I know, that's what was funny, but you really did get another one huh? It may need to be defrosted, but at least you won't hear it with your extra sensative (but only when half asleep)uncanny hearing! By the way, what's the Jimmy Buffet song?

  4. I can't remember off the top of my head. I'll let you know later.

  5. Oh wow...even when you're cranky and tired you're funny...


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