When I was sixteen, I bought my first shotgun. It was an H&R single shot twelve gauge. I wasn't really a hunter, but I thought it would give me a chance to spend more time outdoors when the fishing had slowed down. Though I had originally bought the gun for hunting rabbits or pheasants, or possibly quail, I never thought I'd have to use it on a spider.

When the World War II ship I was stationed on in Key West was decommissioned around 1973, I was assigned to a much newer guided missile destroyer in Charleston, South Carolina. I didn't know anything about Charleston, except that it was in a southern state, and I was under the impression that a fellow who hailed from Ohio might not be all that welcome. I'd heard rumors that even though the civil war had been over for more than a hundred years, there were still some tender feelings.

My fears were somewhat influenced by having just watched the movie, Deliverance, a few weeks prior to having to make the move. For those who have never heard of that movie, in a nutshell: Burt Reynolds and three friends from the big city were going to go on a canoe trip through the Georgia backwoods before the river they were going to paddle down was dammed up. They run into a couple of backwoods hillbillies who are perverted as well as ignorant. Burt ends up killing one of them with his bow and arrow, and the other one stalks them for a good part of the rest of the movie.

Good Lord! Is it even safe to go into the woods? What if they're full of hillbillies and perverts? What if there's a still behind every tree that is guarded jealously by a fanatic Confederate who can't let history be? What am I going to do?

With the movie playing fresh in my mind, I decided that I better buy myself a straw hat and wear a pair of coveralls before I took to the woods. I was hoping that I could fake a Southern accent well enough to keep me from getting shot or worse.

In the early seventies the military was paying wages that barely kept a person alive. While things were so much cheaper than now, my wife and I were nonetheless living on about $5,200.00 a year. We weren't starving, but steak wasn't on the menu either. To help supplement our meager food supply, I went fishing in the spring and summer months and in the fall and winter, I went hunting for small game.

As was my habit, I drove my 1972 Pinto up north to Monk's Corner and turned off on a gravel road that led to the Old Tailrace Canal. Not many people went back there at the time. There was a large expanse of woods on either side of the canal, with many live oaks where the squirrels lived. They have a habit of spotting any movement in the woods, and if you approach the tree they're in, they will run around to the other side out of sight. I found the best way to bag one was to find a log to sit on and wait. They will climb down the tree and start scampering along the forest floor, making a lot of noise in the dry leaves. I would then scuff my feet through the leaves until I got close enough to shoot them. It worked pretty well.

I went hunting one fall day and walked through the woods a quarter of a mile or more.I found a good stretch of trees and a downed log, so I took a seat and listened. Its incredibly quiet in the forest and very relaxing and I think I might have been close to dropping off to sleep when I heard something crawling on the dead leaves about ten yards away. I snapped awake and continued to listen. It wasn't a squirrel, that much I knew for sure. Whatever it was was moving slow, but it was big enough to make a sound as it moved over the dry oak leaves. At first I thought it may have been a lizard. I like lizards. They eat bugs, which I don't like. The longer I listened, the more I realized it was moving much too slow to be a lizard. Curiosity got the best of me and I got up to see what the disturbance was. Walking slowly across the dead leaves and sticks that littered the ground was the biggest spider I'd ever seen. I don't know what kind it was, it was just big. Being of fertile imagination, I could see in my mind that terrible beast making it's way over to where I was sitting, and while I was distracted by a squirrel, it could attack me. I wasn't going to give it a chance. I raised my twelve gauge shotgun and blasted that demonic being with a full load of number six shot from about five feet away. The ground around it was clear of leaves and spiders, and it was still smoking from the discharge. With a profound sense of satisfaction, I went back to the log I was sitting on and continued to wait for some action of the squirrel kind. I can't say I'm proud of myself for killing that spider, but a man has to do what a man has to do, and that's all I'm going to say about that.


  1. Thats Funny.
    Had to kill a spider last night for kennedy. A Towel was sufficient to deal with it. Any other weapons where put up at least.

    You should google stories about people who ended up starting fires trying to kill spiders. Crazy. To say the least, Don't ever use fire.

    David R.

    1. Hi David,
      spiders can bring out the worst in us for some reason. They just look creepy, and the fact that they can inflict pain on us causes a lot of folks to react unreasonably I suppose. I'll check out the fire posts. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Bahahahahaha…sorry dad, but that’s hilarious! 😂


    1. Hey Autumn,
      I'm glad I can provide you with some entertainment/


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