Hearts Aren't Made to Break

Once in awhile I hear a country song that touches my heart. Of course there is no shortage of songs about drinking or cheating but some of the songs are pretty funny. One song talks about the wife hiring a wino to decorate their home so her husband will feel comfortable and not have to go to the bar. Another one by a popular country star is about a fellow who is given an ultimatum. He can either spend the day on the lake fishing or he can be with his wife. He's singing about how he's going to miss her. I more or less understand. Fishing can be as exciting as sex sometimes, and it lasts longer too.

When I moved north to Wasilla, I discovered that there was a classic country radio station right here in town, KAYO. Somehow when I was skipping through the various stations on the car radio, we invariably would run across this station, and I discovered that I actually was enjoying what I heard. Unlike the music that the younger generation is listening to, I've never seen a country song with a parental guidance label warning about explicit lyrics.
Some folks believe that country music is just about eighteen wheelers, or drinking beer or bars or cheating on your spouse, but I've listened to some songs that actually have a pretty good message. The other day I was in the car with the radio on when I heard a song by Lee Greenwood titled- Hearts aren't made to break, they're made to love.
In the time I've spent on Fan Story, I've read a number of stories from people who have suffered with a broken heart. Sometimes it's the result of a relationship that's gone south. For one reason or another the marriage didn't work out and it leaves hearts broken and sometimes bitter.
Lord knows the music industry would probably have gone belly up by now if not for the subject of love. It's something we all want and indeed, need. Those who have been fortunate enough to find the love of their life and have made the relationship work seem to be in the minority anymore. I wish it wasn't that way. The reality is, no one is going to meet all the needs of another person. There are compromises that have to be made, as well as sacrifices. There is something to be said about the somewhat humorous saying- happy wife, happy life. I know that when I do the things my wife asks of me, I also benefit. Perhaps it's just because we've been married so long that I've come to learn that little tidbit of wisdom.
Sometimes the broken heart is the loss of a loved one. As we age we become more and more aware that our days are numbered. On the one hand, it would be nice if both spouses died simultaneously, so there wouldn't be a remaining spouse to grieve. No having to cook for one or learning how to run the lawn mower. I wonder who passed away first when Adam and Eve died and how they dealt with it.
I know that several ladies on this site are dealing with the mental decline of their husbands due to dementia or some other degenerative disease. That is truly heart wrenching, to watch the person they love erode like the sand on a beach. I wish there were words that could take the pain away, but as far as I know there isn't. The price we pay for love is sometimes a broken heart. I wish it weren't that way, but it is.



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