For The Love Of Hair

 Jan and I made a trip to Great Clips this past Thursday to see about getting a haircut. I kind of wish that I had  a set of clippers so we could cut it at home, but Jan would be the one doing the cutting, and Lord knows what I might end up looking like. As it was, even though we had made an appointment, the anticipated wait time was over an hour. We happened to go right when the lunch hour had started. We cancelled and took our chances again on Saturday morning. It was still a little busy, but we only had to wait about fifteen minutes before we got in. The gal who cut my hair did a fine job, but after we paid, and I was in the car, Jan asked if she trimmed the hair out of my ears or eyebrows. Crap, I gave her a tip and everything, and she didn't do that. I couldn't very well go back in and ask her to finish the job. I just didn't think about it when I was in the chair. Usually they just do it. I had to go home and take care of the issue myself. I'm always a little nervous trimming my eyebrows. The closer the scissors get to my eyes, the more my hand shakes. I don't want to poke my eye out. I should wear safety goggles next time I do that. The ears have to be deforested with a hair trimmer. I found one in a drawer and went to work. I'm surprised that the drain didn't get plugged up. I'm always amazed at how much hair grows in my ears. I wonder if people in tropical climates have that issue. Maybe nature is looking out for me and giving me my own set of ear muffs to offset the cold weather. I wouldn't mind so much, but it looks ridiculous. When I was trimming my brows I was reminded of the day I went to the school to go to work. I was walking down the hallway when I ran across one of the high school girls who had a penchant for creating scenes. We passed each other and said "good morning" and I was wondering what was so different about her that particular day. Then I heard Ladonna in the office asking her why she shaved her eyebrows. That was it! Do you know how stupid you look without any eyebrows? You don't want to find out, I promise you. On the subject of hair, Autumn was visiting recently, and brought up the story of the time Brian had his head shaved. She had come home in the evening and was getting ready for bed. She wanted to use the upstairs bathroom, but both boys were in there. She could hear them in there arguing. She told them she needed to get in, but they were reluctant to open the door. When they finally did, Brian was wearing a hat, and there was a whole bunch of my blue, disposable razors cluttering the counter top. Knowing that something was going on she asked what they were up to. Brian took off his hat and his head was covered in tufts of hair and little razor cuts. The jig was up, so Ben continued to shave his brother's head. Why he wanted it shaved, I've no idea. Another great idea from a brilliant teen-aged mind. When he was done, Autumn said, "you better put something on that or it might get infected." That sounded like wisdom, so Ben reached for the hydrogen peroxide, and Brian leaned over the tub. Of course the peroxide did what peroxide does, and proceeded to foam up on Brian's head from the multiple cuts, like an Alka -Seltzer tablet.  Autumn  said the fizzing was pretty loud. She laughed at the site and Brian punched Ben. I'm sure it hurt a bit. I would have liked to have seen it myself. No doubt a picture would have been a contest winner. Jan was furious with them both. Brian's head was white as a cue ball with a multitude of red cuts and of course he looked ridiculous, but no real harm was done, so I guess we have to chalk it up to a learning experience. It's just one of many family stories  that gets repeated when we all come together. Thanks boys.


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