Knee Surgery

 I know it's been awhile since I've last posted anything here, but I truly do have a legitimate reason. About twelve days ago I went to the Mat-Su Regional Hospital here in Wasilla and got a knee replacement. I guess I didn't really understand the severity of the operation since it seems like everyone and his brother has had replacement surgery. Frankly, I'm still waiting to be happy about the decision. As of now, it still hurts quite a bit. I'm much more mobile than I was a few days ago, but there is quite a bit of pain associated with this surgery. I chose Dr. Greggory Strohmeyer, an orthopedic surgeon at Pioneer Peak Orthopedics to do the work. I had been in getting a hair cut at Great Clips a few months back and was talking to the gal cutting my hair. She was working 8 hour days, on her feet all day long and had mentioned she'd had both knees done, and recommended the good doctor. It was a good enough testimony for me. From what I can gather the surgery went really well. I figured as long as I didn't pee all over the operating table while I was under, it was a success. I asked him if he collects all the knees at the end of the day to feed his dogs with, but he assured me he didn't. Of course he may not have dogs and gives them to the neighbors instead, but I didn't press him on the issue. I only took four stitches, and that was on the shin bone where they drilled a hole to anchor the robot that was measuring how deep and where to cut. The big incision is just taped together, so they said not to take a shower or get it wet for a few weeks.  I don't want to compound the problems. One of the things that really makes my leg hurt is sitting at the computer in the kitchen chair writing. The angle is bad, so I'm going to make this short. Just wanted to update those who might be interested. I hope you all enjoy a delightful time tomorrow with your families and friends. God bless you all. Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. It looks really good, Tom! I'm glad to hear you're healing well, getting the ROM, and getting around some - that's excellent. It really will be worth it! Hugs! Jill

    1. Thanks Jill, It's feeling better every day. Still a challenge, but getting there.


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