A Little Help Please

 Years ago, actually, many years ago, when I was in my early teens, my best friend Don and I used to spend countless hours hanging out. Through no fault of our own, just the fact that we were teen boys, we seemed to find ourselves in unusual situations. Once we got punched in the ear down by a railroad round house by a couple of hillbillies, I guess just because we spent too much time staring at how many were packed in an old Buick. The fact that it was the day after Thanksgiving and there was snow on the ground and we were dressed like a couple of idiots, complete with tackle boxes and Fishing rods probably didn't help any. We had watched an episode of Gadabout Gaddis the flying fisherman and had an overwhelming desire to go fishing.  That's a story for another time though. On the particular day that this story is about, we were in our home town of Marion Ohio, underneath an overpass waiting on a train. I don't know why we were there, but we were. It was winter and there was snow on the ground. As we waited, I was struck with the unmistakable desire to pee. I looked down the track and couldn't see the end of the train in sight, so I decided to let fly. I had a blank canvass of snow, so why not decorate it? I was printing my name rather than using cursive. T...O.. rats! I should have made the letters smaller.  "Don, could you help me out here? I'm running dry." He obliged like a true friend and as he was putting the final touches on the M we heard the clanging of bells and the caboose slipped by with the conductor out back waving. We stood there in all our teenage glory exposed to the elements and the conductor. For lack of anything better, we waved. What else could we do?


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