Gone But Not Forgotten


 As I mentioned in my last post, I've got a picture of our new home. It's just the one photo, but it gives you an idea of what the place looks like. It's got a heated garage which is really nice. I've never had a garage before in my life, so I'm getting spoiled already. I've never had to pay property tax in my life before either, which is something I could do without, but since Jan and are considered "elderly" we get a break on our tax bill next year. This year we'll still pay through the nose though. Oh well. As you can see, I've got a rather long driveway, and we got some snow, which means a lot to shovel, but since I haven't done much other physical labor, keeping the driveway shoveled will provide me a little exercise. It will either make me stronger or kill me. I've included a picture of our good friend Marti Lee. This was taken back in Hoonah before we left. As you can see, there is a glow around her, which is not unexpected. She's  a fairly saintly person and could pray your socks off or maybe pray them right on if you needed some. Anyway, she was one of three good friends who called me today, and it was so good to hear from all of them. In the past week I've heard from five different folks who either live in Hoonah or used to. It's so nice to know that just because we're not physically present in town, it doesn't mean we've been forgotten. Friends are such a treasure. In these trying times, it's so good to remember your friends and family. They can sustain you in all manner of trials. I hope that I can be as good a friend to each of the people I hold dear. I think we all need to let those we know and care for know how much they mean to us. When I look back on my life and remember all those friendships, I realize what a blessing they  have been to me. Though we're scattered far and wide, we've got a bond that distance can't break. We just recently made friends with our neighbors across the street, Butch and Patty. They knocked on the door about five days after we moved in. They gave us a card with their names and phone numbers and told us if we needed anything to please call. Butch mentioned that they would have come sooner, but he was getting over a cold and didn't think it would be very kind to welcome us to the neighborhood with a sickness. He said that Patty had made some cookies to bring, but because they didn't come over, he ate them all. "They were good too." He said. I liked them both right away. We've since gotten together several times for dessert and have hit it off pretty well. As we close in on Thanksgiving, I hope that each of you will be able to spend time with those you love, and if you can't that you'll call or skype or e-mail or something. For all the trouble that seems to be coming upon us all, we have an awful lot to be thankful for. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.


  1. I enjoy your posts so much. Love to you and Jan. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. Hi Laura, thanks so much, it's wonderful to hear from you. I'll let Jan know you commented. We hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving as well. God bless


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