The Good News Network

   Night after night I'm foolish enough to tune in to the nightly news. I don't know why. As the old saying goes, misery loves company so I guess I must get some bizarre pleasure out of hearing what is going on in the world and perhaps I'm secretly glad that I'm not going through some of what others are facing. There is no two ways about it though, we've all been impacted by this ridiculous virus. What I don't understand is why is there such a panic over something that impacts something like two percent of the population? Personally I think it's a complete overreaction and I'm paranoid enough to believe that it's a kind of social experiment to see how far we in America are willing to go to be "safe".  How many of our constitutional freedoms are we willing to part with?  Anyway, I don't want to get on my soapbox. We hear enough opinions and bad news every night without my two cents worth. What I wanted to mention was something that my friend Mark and I used to talk about. What if there was a good news network that you could turn on at night? After watching Lester and Dave and whoever the anchor is on CBS, before you get all depressed, you could turn in to the GNN- the Good News Network. You could have some ordinary looking gal or guy anchoring the news, someone that you could relate to. You tune in and for the next thirty minutes you could hear about all that's well in the world.  Someone with a name like Bob Goodnight would smile and say something like-" well here in the world today the sun came up again, just like it has every day since before mankind was on earth. There was was some rain in various parts of the world, crops have been growing and the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks and toilets still have water in them. Amazing!  A startling number of people are able to move about freely, with all their appendages intact. Red, blue and yellow remain the primary colors, and from those three colors have come an unbelievable number of shades. Truly remarkable. Science has discovered another cure for a disease that a few years back was thought to be incurable, the innumerable cells in everyone's bodies are dying and being replenished daily and though billions of hearts are beating multiple times a minute no earthquakes or other disruptions have been caused by the event. Once again the earth has rotated on it's axis and has remained just the right distance from the sun to prevent the total destruction of all life by either freezing or frying. How about that sports fans? Wait, wait, we have breaking news... just in from our on scene reporter, Amanda Lillywhite. Amanda, what's the scoop where you are?" "Well Bob, this may come as a surprise to our viewers, but air, that substance that we must have to live, is still abundant, and get this Bob, it's free. No charge. We haven't run out, you can have all you want, and you still don't have to pay for it. It's available on all seven continents  and it's even out on the deep blue oceans. You don't have to be on land to get some, you can be traveling in a boat or in a plane and still have some air. That's what I'd call good news. Now back to you Bob." " Why thanks Amanda, that is good news indeed. Well that's about it for our broadcast folks. If you made it though this half hour it means you're still alive, and you can make a difference in this world. For the Good News Network, I'm Bob Goodnight. Count your blessings and have a good night."
 So, we can get all caught up in all that is wrong in the world, which I have a tendency to do, or we can take a few minutes to remember all the good that we enjoy every day and thank God for his blessings and mercy. Lets practice an attitude of gratitude, we'll all enjoy life a lot more.


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